All the things she said

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Hello ! This is chapter three. Comment what you think about it, rate my story. It's always nice to know what the readers think about a story. The next chapter will come next week. Enjoy !

After spending time in the park, we decided to have a drink at my place. Once we arrived there, I remembered that Noah would certainly be bored to death, I didn't have anything for kids. I was quiet proud to show them my place. Every time people came into my apartment they were impressed; I guess due to my mental state people believed my place would be a real mess, but I spent quiet a long time taking care of it. It helped me get better, cleaning. We sat in the couch of my living room. I turned the TV on and let Noah choose what he wanted to watch. He asked me if I had any DVDs. By luck I found one. A few years ago I made a copy of Dinotopia on a DVD, just for me. I like having a copy of everything I starred in. As it's for children, I proposed it to him. He seemed quiet happy to watch it. I knew that he was tired, so I made him watch the DVD in my room, he could lay in my bed and eventually sleep.

Sarah and I stayed in the living room. We both took a beer. I still had a playlist we made in the past. We would listen to it on the days we spent together. I never had the strength to get rid of it, good decision. « Hold on a second, I have to do something. » without telling her what I was going to do, I turned the music on. I turned to her. She was almost crying of happiness. « It's our playlist ! I such a great idea ! I can't stop smiling since we saw each other in the park ! » The playlist began with  « Bye Bye Bye » by *NSYNC. She jumped out of the couch and we began dancing and singing, just like old time.

After half an hour of singing and dancing, we were exhausted. We sat on the couch and began talking. She told me about her divorce. Apparently her husband was quiet the douchebag, just like I told her all these years ago. He never took care of Noah, never took a job and almost didn't talk to Sarah. The best for everyone to be happy was the divorce. Her and Noah have never been happier now that he is out of their lives. I told her about what I thought about in the park, about having a family. Surprisingly she told me I didn't need another person to take care of a baby. She told me I was enough. She told me not to rush into a relationship because you wanted a child, it would never end up good.

I believed her, as she had experienced it, although she and her husband got married because she was pregnant, I never knew she absolutely wanted to have a baby at the time. It was really quick a decision. In 6 months, she went from Sarah, best friend, to Sarah, wife, mother-to-be, friend. It all happened at the end of season two of Prions Break, in 2006. 2006 was a big year for us. During that year, she stopped working. I didn't see her that much, she had too much to do with Noah. I think I saw him only twice that year. I spent most of my time at Dom's, with his four children. It was a great experience, being with all those kids. It made me want to have children. In 2008, she came back in Prison Break, but I could feel that something was bothering her the entire time. Every time I asked her about it, she told me there was nothing. There clearly was something, I knew her too good not to notice. I never knew what happened, and I wanted it to change.

« Sarah, there's something I need to ask you. » I said, fearful to continue my sentence. « Yeah, sure. Go on. What is it ? » « Well, I don't know if you remember, but during season four of Prison Break, you were always closed in on yourself, and I never knew why. So.. why this behavior ? » As soon as I finished my sentence, I saw fear in her eyes. She turned her head and avoided any eye contact. She opened her mouth, whispered something I didn't hear, and left to go to the bathroom. Something happened, and if it still affects her this way, it must be serious.

After letting her ten minutes in the bathroom, I decided to check on her. « Sarah, how are you feeling ? Can I come in ? » I asked, as gently as possible. I worried about her. I heard a muffled yes. She had been crying, I could hear it in her voice. I saw her on the ground, against the white wall of my bathroom, her head in her knees. She still refused to look at me, she didn't me to know she cried. I poured a glass of water, gave it to her and sat next to her on the ground. After drinking the water and sniffing once or twice, she looked at me and cracked a smile. I still could sense she was hurt, so I took her in my arms, We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes, until I heard a knock on my door followed by someone coming inside. We got up on our feet and made our way to the door. « It must be Dominic, he always does that. » I told her. « Alright, come on Went, come out of your room and tell me about how it went with Sarah. » We heard, followed by the sound of a door being opened. As we arrived in front of my bedroom, we saw Dom with his eyes bright opened at Noah, Noah lost in confusion. « Mom, who is it ? » he asked. « Uh, it's Dominic, a friend of Went and me, just keep watching TV, ok ? » He nodded, and she closed the door. Dom hugged her and greeted her. I went in the kitchen and opened three other bottles of beer. We spent a few hours talking together. Noah had finished watching the movie, and he just spent time with us, coloring on the table. It was 6pm. Dom had to go back to his house, to take care of his children. Before leaving, Sarah asked Dom if he could take Noah with him; she always wanted him to meet his children. Of course, Dom accepted. Sarah and I were supposed to meet them at Dom's in an hour. We didn't go directly, because I thought Sarah and I had a discussion to finish. Once Sarah explained Noah what was going to happen and reassure him that he wouldn't be without her a long time, the two of them left. Dom had a way with kids, so Noah wasn't afraid of this stranger.

Sarah and I were alone. I poured us each a glass of wine. It was needed for the both of us, it was a hard day, and it was not over.

We sat on the couch, facing each other. « So, do you want to tell me about it, or do you want me to let it go ? I do hope you tell me, but if you don't want to, I understand. » I spoke without trying to scare her away, I just had her back, I didn't want to lose her again. « Alright, I'll tell you, but it's gonna be a long story. » she said « We have all the time in the world. » I replied.

She began her speech by telling me about Noah, how he grew up, what was his character, his appearance, his relationship with his father. She told me who he was. I never thought his behavior would be as similar as mine. As she was telling me the story, I felt my face become more and more drawned. What she was telling had an impact in my life, too, and she never told me. I was responsible for her sorrow, her pain, for all these years. I never knew about it. I didn't know how I felt. Angry ? Mesmerized by the news ? Grateful ? I felt like screaming, not by anger, but because there were too many emotions in me. I had to get them out. Instead of screaming, it was a bit too rough, I cried as I was smiling. The most important thing she told me was that I was a father.

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