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Hey everyone ! This is chapter 6 ! It took me a bit more time to write it, but still here it is. Comment, rate my story as much as you wish to ! I love it when you guys are active ! Enjoy chapter 6 ! Love to you all :)

Sarah. Noah. Father. Monday. School. Sh*t ! School ! « Noah ! Wake up ! » I shouted, jumping out of my bed. It had been one week since Noah had his leg broken, one week since Sarah and I had our first « real » kiss. Sarah left early for work today, so I was in charge of taking Noah to school. I checked the clock; seven a.m.. We were not late, fortunately. I put a tailored off-white shirt on and decided to wear a pair of jeans with that. I left our bedroom and went to Noah's. He still struggled to get dressed, so I helped him. He had to wear shorts because of his plaster. He would obviously wear jeans ones, because they were his favorite, « the more fashionables ». He decided to wear a vans t-shirt with that, and, well his black vans. Yep, he was growing up and liked to have a skater style. He told me he wanted to learn how to skate and surf, but it was clearly not possible for the moment. We both took chocolate cereals; they were our favorites, those and the honey ones. I drove to the school and decided to accompany him inside the schoolyard, I wanted to show the world he was my son, even though no one knew about it, not even him. Once we arrived there, some parents noticed me. Every one knew Noah's mom was famous, so me arriving with him made everything suspicious. We achieved to keep our relationship discreet until then, but I didn't think it would last for long, especially now. I didn't care, I wanted to enjoy my life with them, and shout my happiness from the rooftops. Some of the parents there took pictures, but I didn't mind. Noah saw some of his friends, so he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. He stayed with them while waiting for the bell. Me, I stayed on a bench in the schoolyard waiting for them to begin class, as a lot of parents did. No one came to ask for an autograph or anything like that, I enjoyed it.

While at work, I couldn't stop thinking about Sarah and Noah, they were my whole life. People were beginning to question my unusual happiness on set, my secret was going to be revealed to the world soon.

The Wednesday of that same week, Sarah and I took a walk in the city. We held hands, exchanged a few kisses and took pictures with fans; we decided it was better for us to stop avoiding the scandal and face it. Noah stayed at home, we wanted to protect him as much as possible from all of that. We were tired, so we stopped for an ice cream and enjoyed the evening breeze on the beach. It was almost time to have dinner, so we headed back to the apartment. Little did we know it was surrounded by paparazzi and protestants of the LGBTQ+ community, they said I betrayed the community and made them look like fools. It was really scary, but we stayed calm and walked peacefully inside the building. We had to do something, we had to do lunch. We ate, controlled Noah did all of his homework and put him to bed.

We got ready for bed and began our discussion about all the fuss we made. Sarah suggested to talk in our bed, so we would be comfortable. I prepared two cups of tea and she took out more blankets and cushions. We sat down, facing each other and sipping the chamomile tea. After thinking of a lot of different possibilities, interview in a magazine, asking our agents, we decided to make a video to explain our story and our relationship. Sarah and I both cleared our schedule for the next Saturday. We would do it with Noah, and we would have time to explain everything to him. I wished I could have had more time without him knowing, but we would tell him eventually.

The next day, we didn't take Noah to school, we had to talk to him and explain everything. First of all, we told him about our relationship of the past, that we loved each other, and that we loved each other in the present and that it would be the same in the future. Then, we told him about all this media mess that was happening.

Only after that, we told him about me being his father. To do so, I showed him a picture of me at his age and one of his mother. I asked him to compare them to his face. It was a perfect mix; Sarah's eyes, her mouth, my face structure, my look in his eyes, my facial expression. Even mentally he was a mix of the both of us: he was as kind-hearted as Sarah and as smart as me. He enjoyed reading, sports and building structures. He was the child every parent dreamed to ever have. He was a good person. I made him look in the mirror, and he realized. We told him we only knew about it a week ago, and that we wanted to wait a bit before telling him, but we didn't have the luxury of time.

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