Lost in reality

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Hey dear readers ! Here is chapter 7, it's the longest so far. Keep commenting and rating my story, I really enjoy it when you do it ! If there is anything you want me to write about, comment about it, it may happen :) Enjoy this chapter ! Love to y'all !

It was the last week of school for Noah, which meant that it would soon be the beginning of the shooting for Prison break in Morocco; in two weeks exactly. While we'll be there, he will stay at Dom's, with his four children and their grandmother. She would take care of them during three weeks. It was a dream come true for Noah, he adored to be at their house. As his leg was healed, he would be able to take surfing and skating lessons from Joseph, the eldest.

We had planned to spend the first week of the holidays in the countryside. We would go for walks, bicycle rides and spend a bit of time in the piece and quiet, out of the city. The paparazzi had become more and more intrigued of our lives. We were one of those interesting families because of all the drama we went through together and separately in the past years. There were more and more theories about our lives, and it was becoming more and more tiring. We needed a break from reality. Sarah and I were used to it, but for Noah, it was new. We were scared it would make him suffer to hear all these things about our family, so we tried to protect him as much as possible from it. It was not always easy.

Sarah was helping Noah packing his clothes as I was preparing a picnic for the ride to the house we rented for the week. Half an hour later, we all were ready to leave.

On our way to the house, as we were singing along to « stressed out » by Twenty One Pilots, I noticed a car following us. It was behind us since the beginning of the ride, and I was not sure how to feel about it. I didn't say anything to Sarah, as it would only annoy her. The car overtook us several times and tried taking pictures of us. We coud see the flashes and it made me struggle to see clearly. The road was becoming more and more sinuous, and the car behind us kept getting closer and closer to us. In front of us, there was a big truck. The car behind us must not have seen it, because it tried to overtake us once more. When it got next to us, the truck was getting closer to us. The black SUV of the paparazzi accelerated and turn right, just in time to go back on the lane. However, they turned too soon, they didn't fully overtook us, so I had to brake harshly. I lost control of the car, I couldn't stay on the road. The car was guiding my hands, I was powerless. Protect them. Quick. I shouted to Sarah and Noah to protect their heads. It was terrifying. Hopefully we were all correctly fastened to our seat. The shock was rough, but we were all okay. Noah was so scared he couldn't stop crying. We got out of the car. Sarah was patting his back, and I searched for the bastards who did this. Of course, they were long gone and didn't even check to see if we were fine. The truck driver didn't stop either. We were left alone on an abandoned road in the middle of the Californian sun. To make things better, neither Sarah nor I had service. We were lost, alone. Our car was completely destroyed, we would never be able to ride with it again. Fortunately for us, we had the lunch I packed. We had enough food and water for the rest of day. It was hot, really hot.

The road was very calm, so no one could help us. It was 4pm. We would certainly spend the night in here. « The owner of the house will certainly call to check on us when he sees we're not there. Let's hope he calls the police. » Sarah said, she was usually right. I made sure we would not be cold if we had to spend the night in the car. It was broken, but it would protect us from the cold of the night and of the animals. We played cards for what felt like eternity. The sun was slowly setting, so we went in the car. We all sat in the backseats, in a way we could face each other. We had nothing left to eat, so we decided to chat. The questions « Can we have a dog ? »,  « Can we have a house ? » and « Can I have a little brother or a little sister ? » didn't fail to be asked, each of them were followed by a reasoning answer and a softened look shared between Sarah and I. I wanted to have all of that, too. Maybe she wanted it too ? I hoped so.

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