The hardest part of this is leaving you

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Hey guys ! This is chapter 9 ! If you enjoy it, leave a comment or rate my story ! Thank you for all your views and love to y'all ! :) X

« Oh Sarah, always such a tease ! » He. Kissed. Me. Fuck. Pictures. Media. Scandal. Wentworth. Fuck life.

The next day, I was not wrong. There were pictures of our « kiss » everywhere. Almost every article was saying that I left Went, that I was tired of waiting for him and that I jumped on the first occasion to get back with Josh. There was no way I would ever do that to Went. I could never leave him, but people didn't know that. They believed what they saw. My inbox was full of hate messages from basically everyone; Went's fans, prison break fans, even some of mine. I had to react before this would get out of hand. I reposted the video we did a few weeks back to announce our relationship. I posted it on every social media I owned and captioned it « Forever and always. No one will break us apart. »

Then I posted a message :

As many of you have heard, yesterday I ran into my ex-husband. It was not a coincidence as he came to see me. He told me that he wanted to get back with me, that's when he hugged me. You can imagine that when a guy you don't want to see for the rest of your life comes in front of you and does that kind of thing, you want to slap him. That's what I did. The thing is, he is such a stubborn jerk that he decided the best way to win me back was kissing me. I was caught completely off-guard and didn't know what to do to get away from him. There were so many flashes everywhere ! I was thinking about Went, it made me hate my ex-husband even more. I ran away. It was the fastest way to get out of that situation.

Now, I have to clarify things:

- I'm not leaving Went. Ever.

- Josh, don't come back. We don't want to see you, nor me, neither my son. No, Noah is not your son, he doesn't miss you. I don't either. Fuck you.

- Everything I wrote was photographed by paparazzi, so there is proof.

- Living with Went unconscious is very challenging. It's hard for our son, it's hard for me, it's hard for Dom, it's hard for his parents, it's hard for everyone. It must be hard for his fans. Thanks for sticking with us guys.

- Don't make my pregnancy harder than it already is. Thank you.

I wish with all my heart Went will wake up soon. Stay safe and don't let anyone take control of your life like my ex-husband tried to.

All the love. Sarah X.

I told the world I was pregnant. There were going to be even more articles now, but I would eventually have to do it one day anyway. God ! I hoped this would work. I was really not in the mood to deal with hate.

I was busy, I had to go to a doctors appointment to do a scan. I always made a second copy of the picture, so Went could have one in his hospital room.

Noah was back at school. He couldn't concentrate correctly during lessons. Could you blame him ? His father's life was in danger every second. I tried to make him smile as much as possible, but the best way to do that was by letting him be with August and Lily. They would go to the beach after school. They would do their homework, skate and surf. I joined them a few times. They usually were with Joseph, Audrey and their friends. The four of them were inseparable. It was nice to know that they would always be there to support us. Dom and Anna were getting married in two months. He proposed a while back, three months ago to be precise. Went missed it, he was already gone. I was helping them organize the wedding and I became really close with Anna, we were already like sisters-in-law. She asked me to be her bridesmaid, I couldn't say no. I love weddings. I had more free time, because we paused the filming of Prison Break. I still played in Colony, but we were almost done for this season, which meant that I was going to have free time. I already knew I was going to spend it with Noah, Went and the Purcells. The ceremony was almost completely organized. I always dreamed of a big wedding, but never had it. When I got married with Josh, it was kind of sad. It seemed like no one was happy. I was not even happy myself, I can see it now that I have experienced it. This one was going to be incredibly mesmerizing.

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