Chapter One

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I rolled around in my bunk and pulled the duvet over my head.
I mumbled something whilst trying to block out the sound of whatever idiot was ruining my sleep.
I fell out of the top bunk and landed on the floor on my back.
"Fuck, why do you always do this to me Steph?" I asked her as I attempted to get up.

Steph was my cellmate and best friend since the day I stepped into T.Y.O.J. It had been about a year since I had met her.

"Because if I don't wake you up you'll end up sleeping the entire day and before you know it, 20 years have passed, and I've been let out of jail, and got married and had triplets, and-"
"Okay! Okay! I get it!!" I laughed as I got dressed. " So what we doing today?"
"Err, I think we are having cell check." She replied.
"Oh great, what douchebag is coming to invade our privacy and hoping to find drugs?"
Steph started laughing but was cut off by a husky cough from behind us.

Lo behold it was Grayson, boy was I right about the douchebag part.

"You seriously might wanna fix your attitude Midget." He smirked as he walked into the cell uninvited.
"Haven't bothered to do it in a year so what makes you think I'm gonna do it now?" I retorted. "And stop calling me Midget."
"Haven't bothered to do it in a year so what makes you think I'm gonna do it now?" He replied whilst leaning against the bunk.
"Touche," I replied. "So where are me and Steph exactly reporting to today?"

He checked his clipboard searching for our prison numbers until he answered.

"Steph, your going for helping arrange the library books and-"
"Fuck you am I stepping into that place, no one ever goes in there anyway!"

Did I mention Steph pretty much didn't give a shit about who was giving her orders?

"It's that or manual labour outside." Grayson said.
Steph rolled her eyes and walked out, waving to me as she left and giving Grayson the middle finger.
"What bout me then?" I asked.
"You're going tooo..The Placement Room?!"
I heard the shock in his voice as he said that.
"What the hell am I going there for?" I asked.

Obviously I knew the Placement Room was where they relocated teenagers who had completed their sentence in jail, but I had about two years to go before I was to be released.

"I guess they thought to get you outta here early. Probably good behaviour or something?" Grayson said.
"Urgh, fine..when do I gotta be there?" I asked whilst doing up my laces.
"Well your time slot is at 9:50 and its 9:47 now so...."
"SHIT. Outta my way bitch!" I yelled as I ran out the cell.

I finally reached the Placement Room and checked the list to see if I had missed my timeslot.

Time Slots
Samantha Bailey - 8:10
James Peterson - 8:30
Kayla Simms - 9:05
Jenna Riles - 9:55

That twat is gonna die for making me run and come here early.

Eventually a tall, well dressed woman in her 30's came out and ushered me inside.

In front of me was a table of four people, two men and two women, looking through some papers not acknowledging that I had entered the room.

"Take a seat." The eldest looking man said to me in the tone of not giving a shit.

I slouched in the chair, folded my arms and stared at the four people who could get me out of this dump.

"So Jenna, it has come to our attention that you have been serving your sentence well behaved and in an orderly fashion whilst you have been here at T.Y.O.J. so we decided to evaluate you and see where you really belong." said one lady whilst giving me the most fake smile in the world.
"Kay." I replied.

And by 'kay' I meant stop beating around the damn bush and get to the point.

They asked me a tonne of questions about if I felt I had changed as a person and if I was ready to be placed back into society. After that, they conferred amongst themselves and yet again pretended I was invisible.

I couldn't hear them clearly but from what I got from lip reading, they were discussing the crime, which I had nothing to do with but apparently I committed, and if I was a danger to other people.

"Well Miss.Riles we have decided that you would be a better use to society than you are to us here so-"
"YES! IM OUTTA THIS DUMBASS PRISON AND EVERYONE IN IT!!" I screamed ecstatically jumped outta my chair.
"Ahem. If you don't mind me finishing Miss.Riles?" said the old dude in a pissed off voice.
I sat back down and nodded.
"As I was saying," he glared at me, "We also think you need a parol officer who can keep an eye on you 24/7 considering the severity of your crime."

Way to kill the fun man.

"Who the hell is gonna keep an eye of me 24/7?!"

The man was about to reply until he was cut off.

"Hello Midget, miss me?"

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