Chapter Three

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It was around 8 in the evening and Grayson had been gone for about four hours. I started to worry about him but figured the dumb ass was trying to scare me, so I just went to my bedroom.

Woah. A beautifully decorated cream room with about four lamps, a walk in closet and a massive bed stood before me.

I had to give it to Grayson, he did have an eye for interior design.

I ran and started jumping on the bed like a child and started singing.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head,
Mother called the doctor and the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off and-

"Fuck!!!!" I screamed as I slipped and fell backwards off the bed, ready to embrace the damn feeling of a broken back.

Instead I felt a pair of warm arms cradling me. I opened my eyes and realised I was staring into these deep grey diamonds. Recognising who they belonged to, I immediately I thumped the figure in the chest.

"What, no thank you for saving your life?" Grayson smirked as he stood up, still holding me bridal style.
"Fuck you, I wouldn't die from falling a couple of feet." I said whilst rolling my eyes.
"Suit yourself." He said and dropped me to the floor.

"Ouchhh you dumb mother-" I began.
"What happened to 'not dying from falling a couple of feet'?" He asked me as he folded his arms.
"I said I wouldn't die, I didn't say it wouldn't hurt!!" I shouted whilst holding my back in pain.
"Aw come on Midget, you gotta be clear when you stay this stuff." Grayson said.
"Fuck a tree man. Help me up!!" I yelled.
"I still didn't hear a thank you.' He remarked.
"Grayson I swear if you don't help-"
"Okay, okay!" He said, raising his hands in the air.

He picked me up bridal style AGAIN just to piss me off.

"Grayson!! Get me down and don't you dare drop me on my fucking ass this time!" I screamed.

This bitch is making me lose my voice.

"Fine." He said, and finally let me down on my feet.
"Thanks.." I muttered as I began to walk away.
"What was that?" Grayson asked.
I wasn't looking at him but I knew he was smirking again.
"I said thanks."
"Your welcome Midget." He said.

I was heading off to take a shower until Grayson decided he couldn't last five seconds without speaking again.

"By the way, you know there's only know bedroom right?"

Instantly, I spun around and shouted,
"You're fucking kidding me!"
"Nope, but don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch for ya Midget." He said whilst winking at me.
"O..k...thanks..??" I said whilst walking off to the bathroom.

I took about an hour in the shower and noticed the living room lights off when I came out. Grayson must have gone to sleep already I figured.

I hopped into bed and pulled the duvet towards me. I shut my eyes and was about to dose off until I felt something rubbery touch my leg. At first I ignored it, but it soon felt like it was tightening its grip around me.

Throwing the blanket off of me, I found this massive snake twisting around my leg.

"ARGHHHH!!! GRAYSON!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I ran out the room slapping this thing that was killing me.
"GRAYSON FUCKING HELP ME, THERE'S SOME FUCKED UP SHIT ON MY LEG!!" I shouted whilst shaking the figure on the couch.

Suddenly, someone grasped my leg from behind and snatched the snake away from me. There was a familiar laughter coming from them and I jumped backwards realising it was Grayson.

"How's that for revenge?!" Grayson laughed whilst waving the snake, which I realised was actually a toy, in my face.
"You fucking scared the shit out of me Grayson!" I yelled and threw a pillow at him.
"And you almost killed me earlier! So I guess we are even." He smirked.
"God, I seriously despise your sorry ass."
"Oh shut it, you love me Midget." He said.
"No I don't. And stop calling me Midget!! I said as I threw another pillow at him.
"Stop throwing pillows at me then I'll stop." He said whilst giving me an innocent smile.

I dropped the pillow that was in my hand and gave him a look saying are you happy now and walked off to my room when he called out,

I would so beat him up if I wasn't exhausted.

The Next Day-
"Urrhhh..." I replied.
"JENNA!" Grayson called out.
"God dammit Grayson, its fucking 6am!!" I said whilst rubbing my eyes and checking my alarm clock.
"Well I'm going out for a run so get dressed, your coming with me." He smirked.

Hell no was I going out at fucking sunrise to run around in the damn cold when I could be sleeping and dreaming of Taylor Lautner.

"I'm not coming." I moaned and dragged the duvet over my head like a child.
"Don't make me get the water..." Grayson sang.

I thought he was bluffing until I heard footsteps going into the bathroom and turning on the tap.

"Okay, okay!! I'm coming...give me five minutes."

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