Chapter Five

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A/N The picture is the locket Jenna sees in the store...okies ENJOYY ;)

"Well you're making such a good reputation for yourself on the first day of school." Grayson said sarcastically as he walked out of the principals office.
"Grayson. Fuck yourself." I said in annoyance.
"I would but-" he began.
"I do NOT wanna hear the rest of that sentence!" I yelled, stepping back from him. "And whats that paper you're holding?"
"Oh this?" He waved in my face. "This, Midget, is your timetable which I just so happened to have edited for some things you like."
"Seriously?" I said kinda excitedly, whilst grabbing the paper from him.

Jenna Riles Timetable. 2016/2017

Mon- Art (x2) English Biology
Tue- Chemistry Home Ec (x2) Religious Studies
Wed- Religious Studies Biology History Chemistry
Thu- English (x2) Art (x2)
Fri- French (x2) History Home Ec

"Damn..How the fuck did you know what I like?" I asked him.
"I've known you for over a year Jenna, I pick up on things." He said.

We headed over to Art as soon as the bell rang and it was pretty fun. English was boring, I hated it but Grayson was actually paying attention for the first time in his life.

The day had passed quite fast; before I knew it I was in Biology.

"Right class, my name is Ms.Greenberg and I will be educating you in the depths of biology this year."

"This teacher sounds so fucking dead." I whispered to Grayson.
"I know right." Grayson whispered back.

I was going to say something again, until I was cut off by Greenberg.

"Miss. Riles, I understand you're new but I am very sure manners are taught from where you come from. Care to tell us what system carries blood around the body?" She said with a smug look on her face.

I was ready to respond when after a split second she said,
"Didn't think-"
"The circulatory system. Care for me to say how many components it has as well, I can name them if you're not taught it where you're from." I replied.
"No that'll be all." She said, clearly annoyed and embarrassed.

The lesson passed and we learned we were going to be dissecting frogs on Wednesday; Grayson was grossed out but I was interested. At least now he knew how I felt about English.

We got home around 3:30 and I was tired as hell and ready to nap until midnight.

"Um, what do you think you're doing?" Grayson asked me.
"Dude, do you want an explanation like this morning?" I said rudely...ish.
"I mean, Midget, you're coming to the mall with me."
"Urghh why maaaan?" I asked.
"Unless you wanna stick with your current wardrobe and-" he began.
"Say no more!! Lemme get my Nike's!"

Grayson dragged me into stores which I had no interest in whatsoever. Forever 21, (although they had some pretty sick jeans which I bought God knows how many of) and random stalls full of junk.

Eventually, we went into a new shop called Marié and started looking for some clothes.

"How about this!?" Grayson said as he showed me the shortest, sluttiest dress ever.
"Grayson, unless you want me to kick you in the balls, put that dress away and pretend you never picked it out." I responded.
"What if I wanted you to kick me in the balls?" He said with a weird smirk.
"Why the fuck would you want ANYONE to do that!?" I said, surprised at his level of stupidity.

Like I knew Grayson was dumb, but if he wanted to have kids, this conversation would have ended after my threat.

"Why would YOU want to do that is the question." Grayson said.
"Okay, dude, you've totally lost me now." I said, raising my hands in surrender.
"Ha. I win. that a no on the dress?" He winked at me.
"A definite no douchebag."

We walked around some more until I found this jaw dropping heart shaped locket in silver, covered in beautiful diamonds, which I rushed up to the second it caught my eye.

"Thought you didn't like jewellery?" Grayson said.
"I usually don't, but this ones so reminds me of something.." I said, still mesmerised by the locket.
"Yeah, pretty and expensive." Grayson replied, showing me the pricetag of $297.99.
"Heck no, that things worth more than Skittles." I said.
"Skittles are less than a dollar so congrats Captain Duh." Grayson replied sarcastically.
"You get my point." I smiled as I wandered off again.

After another hour of shopping, all that stood between me and The Vampire Diaries was the checkout line, which may I say was taking for fucking ever.


Me and Grayson paid for our things and almost walked put the store till a beeping noise led five police officers towards us.


Me and Grayson halted immediately as an officer came towards us and asked for our receipts whilst another searched our bags.

"Yeah I'm seeing everything except a $300 necklace in the girls bag but not on her receipt." A tall officer said, pulling out the crystal locket I had seen previously.

"Wh- I didn't take that!! I saw it and left it, Grayson was there!" I yelled in anger.

"Explain yourself at the station," the officer said whilst pulling out a pair of handcuffs. "You are under the arrest of-"

"It was me!" A voice yelled, cutting off the officer.

And every set of eyes turned to face Grayson Hyland.

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