Chapter Eighteen

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Sabrina and I rushed out to her car, struggling to find the keys in our bag on many..many supplies. We immediately opened the doors to escape the stinging cold, and drove off to the school.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Sabrina asked as we halted at a traffic light.

"Don't ask me, I've been to jail already. In which case my answer is hell yes." I laughed as I leaned back in my seat.

"God, why is there so much traffic!? It's Sunday night for God's sake." Sabrina complained as she beeped the car horn simultaneously with her curse words.

"Chill man, the lights orange, meaning speed it up." I said.

"Technically it means to slow down." Sabrina smiled as she hit the gas pedal. "But I guess this an exception."

"Yup..just a messed up, extremely illegal exception." I replied whilst checking my phone.

Eventually, we got to the school, and as suspected, after climbing over the main gates, the actual school doors weren't locked. So much for the school being a place of security.

We snuck over to Humanities Department and pulled at the metal door.

"Hurry up!" I whispered to Sabrina.

"It won't work! It's like it's locked or something." She replied.

I placed my hand against the door to try and find some sort of a lock, or whatever it was that was keeping the door closed. I felt a metal, rectangular shaped piece attached to the door - that was clearly new.

"Now what?" Sabrina asks.

I lift my hand to my hair and pull out a hair grip before smirking at my naive friend. Twisting it in the lock, I heard a distinctive click before running inside the building with Sabrina.

We reached the Main Office, and instantly turned on the computer.

"Okay, you find the email address, I'll take out my phone and start typing a letter." Sabrina said.

I squinted at the computer after it took a whole 10 minutes to turn on. You'd think a school like this could actually afford better technology.

"Okay, it's Crappy username if you ask me." I said.

"Okay got it...let's just type this email..." Sabrina muttered.

Within 10 minutes the job was done.

All students who took history were to meet in the hall tomorrow to present their work in a spoken presentation form and had to bring handwritten notes to aid them.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Sabrina asked.

"It has to." I replied.


I successfully snuck back into the apartment without Grayson or Jordan catching me and quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I was up and ready on time, and although Grayson was pissed at me, he openly expressed his shock that I didn't sleep in when we got to the car.

The awkward silence was actually deafening until Jordan came into the car.

"Oooh front seat is mine today??" He smirked. "Yay for me."

"Yay for you..." I muttered under my breath.

"Did you guys get that history email this morning?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, I have no idea what I'm going to talk about." I said, which wasn't a total lie.

"Why don't you talk about Shane? Oh wait, I forgot that this is a HISTORY presentation and you know nothing about him." Grayson said, dropping both mine and Jordan's jaws.

"You know, I'm not even gonna argue with you and your pettiness, I don't get why you dislike him." I said, folding my arms back in the seat. "And you're my parole officer, not my father, keep that in mind."

"This is getting interesting." Jordan smiled.

"I just don't trust that guy, okay?" Grayson replied.

"For what reason do you not trust him?" I asked.

"I just don't okay. Call it police instinct or whatever." Grayson said whilst waving his arm in the air.

"Well I call it stupidity." I said, and that pretty much ended the car conversation.


We all gathered in the Main Hall for the History presentations, and me, Sabrina, Jordan and Grayson sat together.

I was in between Jordan and Sabrina, I didn't want to be anywhere near Grayson right now.

The presentations went on and on.

I should've considered how boring and how dedicated some of these kids are in my class when it comes to World War 2.

I would've dozed off had I not recognised a voice that approached the stage.

I lifted my head to see Shane smiling right at me from behind the paper stand.

"So, my presentation is going to be about what really were the main causes of death during the time period of World War 2..." Shane began.

My eyes were focused on him the whole time, letting out giggles every time he threw a witty joke in the mix, and feeling a little bit evil every time I realised Grayson was giving me a death glare when I laughed at Shane's jokes.

After a few more presentations, the headteacher announced that they would continue tomorrow and the day after, and excused everyone from the hall.

"You coming Jenna?" Jordan asked as he rose from his seat.

"Erm, yeah in a few, I just gotta talk to Sabrina about something." I replied, watching Grayson rise from his seat aswell.

"Well, we'll be outside then." Jordan smiled, practically dragging Grayson out the hall.

"Papers?" I asked Sabrina.

"Papers." She said.

We both rushed up the staircase to the stairs and searched through every set of notes of those who had presented, comparing the handwriting to the cardboard threat that I had received a while ago.

We scoured through 50 papers and a few remained, and there was no match.

I was beginning to think we wouldn't find anything.

"Look, if we don't find anything, it's likely the person hasn't presented yet." Sabrina said.

"True.." I muttered. "I just really want to know who it is."

"I" Sabrina said, coming to an abrupt pause. "Jenna.....I think we have a match.."

"We do!?" I screamed excitedly, jumping up from the ground. "Well who is it?!"

Sabrina turned the papers around to reveal the name of her attacker, my death threat sender, the one who threw the necklace in my bag...the person who was out to get me.


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