Chapter Eleven

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A/N Sabrina is in the picture above

I woke up at 5:30am. I realized I still had over an hour before I had to go to college.

Quietly, I changed into a hoodie and some leggings, put on my sneakers and snuck out of the bedroom.

I had to be really careful coming out of the living room, God Grayson snores so much. I searched through his jacket and found the car keys, then creeped out of the apartment.

There wasn't a lot of traffic, so I got to the hospital in about 20 minutes. I asked the desk lady which ward Sabrina was in and she told me quickly with no questions asked.

"Ward 7...ward 8...ward 9, finally." I muttered to myself.

I walked in, only to find Sabrina sitting awake on the edge of the bed, facing the window.

"Sabrina?" I whispered.

She turned to face me and instantly got up and hugged me.

"How are you?" I asked her.
"Physically, perfectly fine, mentally....not so much." She said, sit back on her bed.
"Can you remember anything about who hit you? Are you gonna press charges?" I said as I sat by her.
"I'm not pressing chargers, can't be bothered with police shit. But yeah, I remember how the person looked...sorta." She replied.

I nodded at her to go on.

"It was a man. Dark hair, really slight stubble, light skin. If I saw him again I would recognise him." She said.
"Right...oh my days I'm gonna be late for college!" I shouted, jumping from the bed.
"Haha, okay thanks for coming though. My nurse is bitchy as fuck." Sabrina laughed.
"Bye!" I waved whilst heading towards the door.

When I got to the car, I opened the door and jumped in.

"Seriously Jenna?" Two voices said from the backseat.
"What the fuck!? What the hell are you doing!?" I yelled.
"Erm, totally not following you to the hospital because I saw you taking the keys out of my jacket." Grayson said.
"...Isn't that exactly what we are doing?" Jordan whispered to him.
"God how am I related to you." Grayson said whilst face palming himself.
"When Mum and Dad's protection broke and you were born after the star child they already had." Jordan smirked.

"Okay, EW!" I yelled, before they would go into detail about gross shit.

I drove home with two idiots in the backseat of the Rover....see what I did there…..and quickly ran home to get changed and grab my bag for college.

First lesson was History, me and Grayson were at the back of the class, so I pretty much was wasting my life on YouTube, until...

"Miss.Riles, that is a detention!" Miss Harrison shouted, causing the whole damn class to turn around and stare at me.
"For what!?" I shouted back, hiding my phone in my back pocket.
"I saw you on your phone!" She yelled.
"And where's the proof?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and kicking Grayson to stop him from laughing.
"Are my eyes not enough?" She asked.
"Search me, I ain't got my phone with me." I said, slouching in my chair.
"....sit up straight and pay attention."

After class, I walked out and shoved my headphones back into my ears, trying to avoid the massive crowd in the History Department.

"You really can't stop yourself from getting in trouble can you?" Grayson asked me.
"Nope." I replied.

"Excuse me." A voice came from behind, before pushing me on top of Grayson, leaving us both on the floor.
"Ow, dude, watch where you're going!!" I yelled.
"Jenna?" Grayson said.
"What?" I asked in annoyance.
"Get off me, you weigh a tonne!" He shouted.
"Bitch, get out from underneath me then." I replied.
"You wish I was underneath you." He smirked.
"FUCK YOU!" I half yelled and half laughed, before walking off to my next lesson.

When we got home, I practically begged Grayson to let me go to the hospital to see Sabrina again, but he wouldn't let me. Something about being my parol officer lets him forbid me from going to places. Goddammit.

I decided to change into my pajamas and take over the kitchen to make something to eat.

"I seriously gotta go food shopping.." I muttered to myself.
"Really?" A voice came from behind.
I turned around and immediately hit them with a wooden spoon.

"Owww, what the fuck sweetheart." Jordan cried.
"Oops..I would apologise but you called me sweetheart, so lets call it punishment in advance." I laughed before turning around to stir my mixture.
"It wouldn't kill you to be less violent." Jordan said.
"It would actually." I replied.

"Oh yeah. Now I remember why I came here before you blatantly abused me. Where's your letter?" Jordan asked.
"What letter?" I asked.
"That trip thing for Biology." He replied.
"Ohh, it's in my jean's pocket, stir this, let me get it."

I walked into my room and found my jeans and began to empty them.

Chocolate bar wrapper.

The fuck. When did I have cardboard in my pocket.

I picked it up and almost threw it into the trash until I saw writing on the back of it.

Get back to juvie before someone else gets hurt because of you.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.


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