Chapter Seventeen

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Basically...I ain't updated in over a month like the dingus I am so I'll give you guys a recap of the end of Chapter 16.


"How is it not fair? I had paper, and paper covers rock." Grayson replied.

God this was getting interesting.... And annoying at the same time.

"I didn't have a just paper, I had paper with valuable information on it." Jordan smirked.
"What?" Grayson and me said in unison.
"Yep. Valuable information." He smiled whilst whistling.
"Okay, what did the bloody paper say?" Grayson laughed.
"Oh you know, typical stuff. A certain girl, going out next week with a certain guy, without telling her certain parole officer or his dashing brother." Jordan smirked.

Oh fuck. That big mouthed idiot has landed me in total crap.

Grayson's smile disappeared as he turned to face me.



Back to Chapter 17! (Mainly going to be the conversation between Sabrina and Jenna)

"What is wrong with you?" Grayson asked me.

"Nothings wrong with me. I am simply going out with someone." I replied whilst folding my arms.

"Without telling me? Who is- wait...don't tell me it's that Shane guy." He said.

"It is. And I'm going to be a lot happier going out with him now that I know your pissed off about it. Thanks a lot." I smiled and walked off. Heck no was he gonna ruin this for me.

I went into my room and called Sabrina.

"Whats up Jenna?" She answered.

"Stupid guys." I muttered.

"I smell- wait no, I hear drama!" She squealed.

I explained how Shane came over earlier and asked me out, and how Grayson literally interrogated the life out of me when he saw the piece of paper in my hand which had Shane's number on it. I told her about how Jordan the twat decided to tell Grayson and screw me over big time.

"Woahhh. And how was I not present for this?" She asked.

"Seriously Sabrina, these two are going to drive me off the face of the earth." I moaned.

"You need some time away from them." Sabrina said.

"How am I gonna do that if Grayson has the power to send me back to jail." I said with anger uprising in my voice. "And there's some fucking random stalker stranger dude who almost sent me back to jail for shoplifting, almost killed you, and I'm pretty sure the next time he strikes he isn't gonna miss!"

"Look you have a point, but you need to calm down! Don't you think I want to find out who this is? I could have died because of him, so you my friend should really forget about Grayson and Jordan, even Shane to keep him out of the picture, so we can find out who the hell this guy is." Sabrina yelled.

She had a point. I have been so caught up in Grayson and Jordan's crap that I have almost forgotten that someone is out to get me.

"I have an idea." I said.

"Finally, let's hear it." Sabrina said.

"So we know this person has History at the same time as me and Grayson. I know what their handwriting is like because of the note that got put in my pocket." I began

"And this note said..?" Sabrina asked.

"Get back to juvie before someone else gets hurt because of you. And considering they knew about your accident, it pretty much lines up with them being the one who did it. Oh, they were also there when I had the locket in my bag, and I know what they sound like. Grayson and Jordan said they were going to handle it, but I'm pretty sure they came up with nothing." I said.

"Okay, we know the backstory, so cut to the plan." Sabrina said.

"We go into the school around 10 tonight and into the Head of History's office. We forge a letter as some school inspection thing in which all students from the Humanities Department are going to gather in the Main Hall and take part in both a spoken and written presentation to assess their work over the semester. But it needs to be recorded." I said.

"That way when it's done..we can look through the papers for the handwriting and listen to the tape for the voice..that's genius!" Sabrina shrieked.

"One downside, the stupid Hylands." I said.

"Leave that to me. How have you guys not come up with a plan before?" She asked.

"Me and Jordan did after we found...uh oh." I stopped.

"Uh oh what?" Sabrina questioned.

"Grayson may be one step ahead of us. Me and Jordan found some stuff in his gallery, which we mostly knew anyway, but he had a photo of a car's number plate - which we're pretty sure is of the car that hit you." I said.

"Then we take Grayson out the picture." Sabrina giggled over the phone.

"Sabrina..what are you thinking?" I said sternly.

"We drug him?" She asked.

"You seriously are trying to send me back to jail." I said.

"Fine I'll do it. I'll see you later." She said before cutting off the phone.

This is either going to go really well, or totally wrong, I thought to myself.

Later That Evening:

I packed up a bag with some supplies and threw it over my back before walking into the living room.

"You're leaving now?" Grayson asked.

" did you know I'm going anywhere?" I asked.

"Sabrina called and said you were staying the night at hers." He replied.

"Oh ok. (GO SABRINA!)" I said. "Where's Jordan?" 

"Out for the night, meeting some friends in the next town over." He replied.

"I see. NOW SABRINA!" I yelled.

"Wha-" Grayson stuttered before Sabrina jumped out from behind him, putting a cloth over his nose and mouth, whilst I stood back with my jaw wide open.

"What the fuck did I just witness?" I asked.

"Morphine. He'll be out till morning, you ready?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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