Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Shane up top.

"Dudes, what are you problems?" I asked, whilst being dragged down the food court by Grayson and Jordan.
"Nothing." They both said in unison.

I looked at them with a raised eyebrow, hell no was it just nothing.

"Yeah..I'm just gonna go to the bathroom with Sabrina..have fun!!" I said before dashing away.

"So, you gonna admit I'm right?" Sabrina smirked at me whilst adjusting her hair in the stained mirror.
"Nope. But I'm gonna find out what's up with them, my way." I smiled.
"Oh God, I have a bad feeling I'm a part of this." She sighed.
"You got that right."

We went home and the rest of the day went as normal, Sabrina promised to stay the next night over. I had no idea how much more of the Hylands' 'sexy imaginations' I could take.

The next day I woke up early for some reason, so I dragged my feet to the kitchen, noticing Grayson and Jordan were still asleep.
And to my luck, the cupboards had nothing I wanted to eat. I had the best idea for breakfast, pizza and ice cream.

Don't judge me.

"Yeah, that'll be one full chicken pizza with peppers, and can of coke. Thanks." I said.

I slowly put the phone done and tried to sneak back into my room until someone grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Pizza. At 7am. Are you serious?" Grayson said.

His hair was totally screwed up and for God's sake he needed a shirt.

"Yeah I am serious. You know, for Christmas I'm getting you bedtime onesies, hell no am I walking in on this every day." I said whilst gesturing at his 5 year old look.
"Get me them but I ain't-" He began.
"OH MY DAYS. IT'S DECEMBER!! " I shrieked.
"Wow. You point out the obvious." He rolled his eyes.
"Shut up." I said.

Thank God the door rang after that, I had totally run out of smart comments.

I opened the door and the pizza guy had his hair flopped forward, and his eyes covered by a cap whilst totaling my cost.

He looked up at me and said,
"That'll be 3.99....Jenna?"
"Shane? You work for Pizza Hut?" I asked.
"Yeah, kinda broke my phone for the 2nd time this month and a cracked screen plus pissed off dad equals a weekend job." He smiled.

I laughed and handed him the money.
"So, I didn't get to ask you yesterday but I was wondering if you wanna get coffee next week?" He smiled.

Jesus, he should stop doing that.

"Sure, let me just write down my number because if you do not call me about five times next weekend, you're gonna be sitting alone whilst I'm still sleeping."  I said whilst grabbing a piece of paper.

I handed it to him, whilst he gave me his number as well and shut the door, trying to hide the happiness on my face. Suddenly, my arm got grabbed again.

"Who was that?" Grayson asked.
"It was a zombie who came out of his grave to deliver me pizza." I said sarcastically before trying to walk off.
"Hold it. What's with the paper in your hand?" He said curiously whilst raising an eyebrow.
"Would you stop fucking interrogating me, my pizzas getting cold." I said whilst walking off into the kitchen and grabbing the tub of ice cream.

He was not gonna ruin my day today.

Later on, I walked in on Jordan and Grayson literally wrestling for the TV remote. Idiots. I saw the remote on the table and lounged back into the sofa, wondering how long I would take for one of the dumb asses to realise I had it.

"Its mine!!" Grayson yelled.
"No, its mine!!" Jordan said, pushing Grayson to the ground.
"Rock paper scissors?" Grayson asks.
"You're on." He replied.

Grayson lost the first round, and Jordan lost the second.

"Okay, final time. Rock paper scissors-" Jordan said.

Jordan held out a rock and Grayson held out paper.

"Dammit!!! Not fair!" Jordan yelled.
"How is it not fair? I had paper, and paper covers rock." Grayson replied.

God this was getting interesting.... And annoying at the same time.

"I didn't have a just paper, I had paper with valuable information on it." Jordan smirked.
"What?" Grayson and me said in unison.
"Yep. Valuable information." He smiled whilst whistling.
"Okay, what did the bloody paper say?" Grayson laughed.
"Oh you know, typical stuff. A certain girl, going out next week with a certain guy, without telling her certain parole officer or his dashing brother." Jordan smirked.

Oh fuck. That big mouthed idiot has landed me in total crap.

Grayson's smile disappeared as he turned to face me.


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