Chapter Nineteen

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" this, we've made a mistake somewhere Sabs!!" I shrieked in panic at the idea of Shane being the one hurting the people I loved, hurting me.

"I...The handwriting is a perfect match Jenna...I don't know what else we can-" 

I cut off Sabrina through her sentence.

"BUT!! W-why...why him!? What did I do to him?!" I asked rapidly.

"I don't...I don't know but this is...this is pretty solid evidence." Sabrina stuttered.

"But, Shane's sweet!! And caring and wouldn't...he wouldn't drive a car at you!!!" I shouted. "He wouldn't right?!"

"No..I mean, you wouldn't expect it from him." Sabrina said.

" believe this?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Look at the evidence Jenna!! I get you like him but it's staring right at you here!! Shane is-" She said.

"Don't even finish that sentence. Shane, would never, ever do something like this. We've got the car number plate, we've got...we've got other things that can prove he didn't do this!" I shouted.

"Why are you defending him so much!!! You've barely known him a week!!" Sabrina yelled back at me. I could tell she was becoming frustrated.

"I know people okay! And I know Shane, and I know he wouldn't do this." I retorted. "And I can't accept the fact that he would actually do something like this."

"Can't or won't?!!?" Sabrina instantly shouted, silencing me for a moment. 

" what?" I asked her, almost out of breath.

"Is it because you can't accept that Shane did this? Or because you can't accept that Grayson was actually right?" Sabrina said remorselessly.

My jaw dropped open.

How could she say something like that?

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to get hit by a car again. And if you're that blinded by Shane or what Grayson's going to be you who gets hurt the most in the end."

Sabrina stormed out of the hall, causing a cold wind to rush in the second she slammed the door, dropping me to the ground.

.....what am I going to do?


Sabrina's POV:

I walked down the hall in frustration, combing my hair back with my gripping fingernails to exert my anger.

I was seeing red until I bumped into someone on my walk of rage.

"Woah, sorry, didn't see you there." A voice came from in front me.

I looked up to see Shane.

Anger flared through my veins, and I could feel it rising to my fingertips, begging me to strike at him.

And I did.

The entire hallway's eyes were on me, for the thunderous sound echoed through the corridors, silencing all conversations.

Shane looked at me in horror....shock...and it felt good.

I saw a sense of blackness in his eyes, as if his biggest secret had just been exposed.

 But it only lasted a second, before he returned to what was clearly a fake expression of despair.

The silence broke with footsteps rushing down the hall.

"Sabrina??" Grayson and Jordan asked in unison.

"You deserved deserved this." I whispered to Shane, a tear escaping my eye before I walked away and barged past Grayson and Jordan in the hall.


"Sabrina!! What the hell was that!?" Jordan shouted from behind me, as I approached the car.

"A slap. Unless you want one aswell, stay the fuck away from me." I replied harshly.

"Oh you do not go and use sass with me." Jordan said, grabbing my arm from behind, causing me to instantly turn around. "Why....are you crying??"

I quickly swiped the tears from my eyes.

"No." I replied quickly.

"Sabrina...did Shane do something??" Jordan asked.

"He.....he's done a lot of things." I stuttered.

"What's he done?? Has he hurt you, or..?" Jordan asked with rising panic in his voice.

"He..." I was about to continue before I saw Grayson approaching us.

"Why the hell are you holding her arm like that?" Grayson asked Jordan.

Jordan and me gave each other a quick glance, and within a second, let go of my arm as I rubbed away the red marks he left.

"Long story. But what we would be asking is why she hit Shane." Jordan remarked, turning back to face me.

"Why shouldn't she? She probably realised that he's not good enough for Jenna." Grayson smirked, whilst folding his arms.

"Oh fuck you and your goddamn insecurities Grayson!! Now push your fucking feelings for Jenna aside and listen to what I have to say." I said angrily.

The Hylands looked at me in shock and remained silent.

"Shane...Shane is the one who ran me over....he's the one who sent Jenna a death threat...and he's the one who wants Jenna back in juvenile." I said, with choking back tears in my throat.

Grayson and Jordan were painted with fury.

"How did you find out? Why him?" Jordan questioned, whilst Grayson stayed silent.

"It's... a long story which we don't have time for right now. What I do know is that Shane knows that I know what he's done and God knows what he's going to do next." I said, gripping my right arm and bowing my head.

"Sabrina...." Jordan began, causing me to lift my head up. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine it's just...oh my....Grayson!!!" I shouted.

"What, what is it?" He asked.

"Did you see where Shane was headed?!" I asked.

"Back towards the hall....why?" Grayson replied.

"The hall...." Jordan muttered, before we all looked at each other in realisation and spoke in unison,


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