Chapter Six

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"I erm...must have dropped it in there after showing it to Jenna..sorry." Grayson said sympathetically.

Hold up, Grayson didn't show me the necklace, I showed him. There's no way that could have 'dropped' into my bag.

Something up here..

"ID Card please." The officer said sternly to Grayson.

He reached into his wallet and handed it to the officer.

"A parol officer!?" The officer said shocked whilst looking up at Grayson and back down to his card.

"Young Offenders Jail, family line of work." Grayson replied, taking back his card.

"...surely it was an accident. I'll let you off this time, be careful the next." The officer said whilst beginning to walk off.

"Will do." Grayson said before switching back round to me.

I was about to speak to him until he cut me off before I had even began.

"Get to the car, now." He said whilst grabbing my arm and leading me out the store before I knew it.
"What, why?" I said, trying to keep up with Grayson's fast paced walking.
"I'll explain in the car, just get there now." Grayson replied, I could tell by his tone that he was serious.

We jumped into his Rover and he drove off immediately, not giving me time to put on my seatbelt, or his for a matter of fact.

"Slow the hell down dude! Explain to me what happened there!" I yelled, still trying to fix my seatbelt into place.
"Not yet." He replied whilst he hit the brakes as we skidded across an open parking lot.
He turned off the ignition and threw his head back in exasperation.

"Okay, I get we had a quick run in with mall cops but why the hell are you so shook up?" I asked him.
"Think Jenna THINK about it! What are the odds of a crystal, $300 necklace just 'falling' into YOUR bag. Not mine, YOURS." He said whilst brushing his hands through his hair.
"I guess that's seriously odd...but whats your point exactly." I said, confused as ever.
"I don't know what my point it...its just...weird." He said.
"Look," I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "That necklace could have gotten into my bag in any way, someone could have picked it up and dropped it, or if could have gotten caught to my bag. Lets just get home, its getting dark already." I said.
"Guess you're home we go then." He replied.

I was so damn exhausted when we got home, I seriously didn't want to go to college the next day but what the heck could I do about it?

Grayson slept on the couch again, though he looked a little different. It looked like he was lost in his thoughts or something, but I was too tired to question it, so I went to sleep.

The Next Day


I muttered a load of crap and rolled over in my bed.


"Shujj the fugdhh uhhh." I moaned, searching for the fucking snooze button.


"YOU FUCKING CURSED SHIT, LET ME SLEEP!" I shouted, finally hitting the snooze button.
"Woah, calm the hell down Midget, the neighbours are gonna complain." Grayson said, walking into my room with a towel.
"We don't have neighbours you idiot, its an apartment." I remarked.
"Ohh you thought I meant those neighbours. I meant Canada." He laughed.
"Fuck you." I said, pulling the sheet over my head again whilst falling on to my back again.
"Okay, I cannot be bothered to repeat whatever Obama speech I said yesterday about getting your lazy ass outta bed so...water bucket." Grayson said.
"Oh hell no. I'm awake, I'm awake don't worry!" I yelled whilst jumping out of my bed and running to the bathroom.

I quickly threw on a pair of white jeans I bought yesterday with a black top and a white denim jacket and ran down to the car.

Grayson was blasting music and didn't notice me approaching the car, so I pulled out my phone and started recording.

-In Grayson's Car

"Let it go!!! Let go!!
Can't hold it back anymore,
Let it go, let it go-o-o!!
Turn away and slam the door!
I don't care.., what they're going to say!
Let it go, let it go-o-o....the cold never
bothered me anyway.."

I laughed so hard at him whilst recording every one of his Elsa imitations from behind, until I realised I was probably gonna be late to school.

I stepped into the car and the music had instantly changed from Frozen into Black Lamborghini.

I decided not to show him my epic camera skills, as I knew I was gonna have to use it against him in the future.

We got to school just in time, they were literally shutting the gates as Grayson grabbed my hand and dragged me across the college grounds.

We walked into Chemistry about five minutes late, not that the teacher cared much anyway. There were tables of three and one boy instantly ushered two people away from his table and gestured for us to sit by him.

I guessed Grayson knew the guy considering the weird smirks they exchanged each other as we approached him. He looked pretty (oh who am I kidding, TOTALLY) good looking, but a little older than Grayson and me.

"So you gonna tell me who the random dude on this table is then or not?" I asked Grayson whilst raising an eyebrow.

Grayson opened his mouth to speak but was cut off instantly.

"Allow me." The guy said whilst giving me a 'I'm a total rebel but I'm acting innocent' smile.

"The name's Jordan, but you, sweetheart, may know of me as Grayson's older brother."

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