Chapter Fourteen

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A/N - Above is Jordan in the park.

"Jordan!" I yelled from the living room.

"What?" He asked, dragging his feet into the room.

"What's Grayson's phone password?" I whispered.
"ERM....oh oh! I know I know!" He shouted excitedly like a child.
"Wanna tell more or you gonna write a love song to it first?" I laughed.
"Rude. Its Mom's birthday... Wait...when's her- 2605." He eventually said.

I typed it into his phone whilst Jordan muttered the words, 'Mommy's boy' under his breath. I scrolled through his messages, then his call log when there was an unsaved number in there. We tried calling it three times but no one would answer. I opened his gallery after that hoping for pretty much anything. Then we found something.


I enlarged the first one which was a number plate of a car, which Jordan noted down. The second was a register of all the kids in History. And the third was a screenshot of the cardboard note picture I had sent him.

"Well. Seems like Grayson's been picking up the pieces without us." Jordan smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" I asked, taking a step away from him.
"Because, sweetheart. I have an idea." He said.
"Oh God, this should be good." I replied.
"First. We go to the park." Jordan said.
"HOW IS THE PARK-" I helped before being cut off.

Jordan covered my mouth with his hand.

"Someone doesn't know how to be quiet when reacting to shocking things when people are around who happen to have ears. So yes, we are going to the park." Jordan said, before walking out the room, in which I followed him in annoyance.

We stood in the park, which was practically hindsight I should have put on a jacket.

"Okay, what's the rest of your plan then?" I asked.
"So, we know Grayson's pretty much got all the jigsaw pieces, we just gotta put them together. Find out who owns the car, or at least where it is, track the name on the History register and interrogate the fuck out of them." Jordan said.

Jordan had a good idea??? I was stunned.

"That's actually...pretty smart." I smiled.
"Why thank-" Jordan said, before being smacked to the ground by a football, practically landing on top of me.

"Fuck...are you okay?" I asked him.
"You know, when I had this dream of us two.. I wasn't in dying pain..." He stuttered and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Seriously dude!?" Grayson said loudly.


Jordan instantly lifted his body weight from me, and barely stood up, holding his back in pain.

"Yeah...this sounds like a you problem...Imma go home cuz I'm freezing my ass off right now." I said whilst getting up. "Bye Jordan!"

"What now dude?" Jordan whined.
"What's with you getting so close all the time to Jenna?" Grayson asked sternly.
"Bro, a kid knocked me with a fucking football. Excuse me for landing on whatever the hell was right in front of me." Jordan said, whilst walking away.
"Stop it then!" Grayson yelled, as he grabbed Jordan's collar, turning him around.

Jordan was getting pissed.

"Stop what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Whatever you're doing with Jenna, messing with her head." Grayson replied.
"If you're implying I am playing her, you have another thing coming." Jordan said.
"Can't you just stay away?!" Grayson said, now raising his voice.
"Dude..stop, people are staring." Jordan muttered.
"Why don't you just go, away from me, and away from Jenna." Grayson began. "...and stop being a fucking dick who goes through my DAMN PHONE, SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING TO SCREW ME OVER WITH."
"WHY DON'T YOU STOP BEING A JEALOUS BASTARD, WE ALL GET YOU LIKE JENNA, BUT....WE....Correction... I. DON'T. CARE." Jordan shouted, and he left Grayson standing alone in silence.


I lay my head down on my pillow, exhausted from the day. I heard the door unlock, but I ignored it. Obviously, it was Jordan or Grayson. I set my alarm, and closed my eyes before I drifted off to sleep.


My back still hurt from earlier in the park, so I took some painkillers and poured myself a drink before laying back on the couch. The living room door opened and I ignored the idiot who walked in.

Grayson always was the jealous, paranoid one in the family. He takes the smallest of things and turns them into World War Three.

He came up to me and said,
"Erm, you're in my bed?"
"Considering I can't be bothered to move and I intend to spend my whole night on this couch..go sleep in the bedroom." I replied, not taking my eyes off the T.V.

He walked off as I threw my head back in tiredness.


I changed and went into bed. I tried to sleep, but Jordan's words kept circling around in my head.

Was I jealous? Did I like Jenna?

I shook it off, my head answering 'no' to both of my mental questions.

I fell asleep soon enough, but the two questions continued to circle around in my head..but this time my heart answered.

And I knew the answer to one of those questions had definitely changed.

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