Chapter Ten

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"Sabrina!!" I yelled as I shook her cold, bloody figure on the ground. "Sabrina, please, please wake up!"

Grayson contacted the police and an ambulance whilst a huge crowd of people gathered around us, some just recording the whole thing for their Snapchat story.

How sick can people get..

Jordan tried helping me wake up Sabrina, and being the idiot he is, he flicked his nail at her forehead. She immediately responded and flinched her eyes in pain as the ambulance came closer to us.

"J-jenna....what happened?" She said, struggling to get the words out her mouth.
"Don't waste your energy, breathe as much as you can and don't close your eyes." Jordan instructed her.

The paramedics rushed to Sabrina and carried her into the ambulance, not allowing us to get in with her. I almost ran in until Jordan held me back in an strong embrace and I let every bit of emotion go in his arms.

The car ride home was silent. Jordan tried to make conversation, but I was too upset to speak and Grayson was yet again lost in his thoughts.

I sat on the couch when we got back, and held my head in my hands, completely blaming myself for what happened. Jordan sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"This is all my fault. Why didn't I make her come with us in the car? Why was I arguing with Grayson when that car came out of nowhere. Why-"
"This is not your fault at all Jenna. That car would have still came and still hurt someone no matter what you did." Jordan said, as I lay my head on his shoulder, still crying.

As much of a total dick he was, he was trying really hard to calm me down in this situation.

Grayson walked into the room and was still daydreaming...until I kinda went mental at him.

"THIS YOUR FAULT!" I shouted at him, whilst getting up from the couch and pushing Jordan away from me.

I lunged myself at him when he gave me no answer, until Jordan pulled me back and stopped me from kicking Grayson's ass.

"Now, as much as I love witnessing the assault of my underprivileged brother, I think he has something to share with us." Jordan smirked.

I stared at Grayson and folded my arms.

"Fine...since the whole heart locket in your bag incident, now the car problem, I think someone's out to get Jenna." Grayson said.
"Why would they hit Sabrina then you fucktard?" I asked him.
"What if it never meant to hit Sabrina? What if the car was meant to crash into ours and hit you instead?" Grayson said, now pacing around the room.

"So, your theory, just to clean this up," Jordan began. "Is that we have some person who's after Jenna and wants to kill her?"
"Not kill. They wouldn't have wanted her just arrested for shoplifting, they would have hurt her." Grayson remarked.
"What about the crash?" I asked him.
"I don't know.. But there's something. These things don't just happen everyday." Grayson said.

"What do we do then?" Jordan asked whilst raising an eyebrow at Grayson.
"Nothing." He replied.
"Hold up, my only friend is in hospital, someones out to get me, and we are gonna do NOTHING?" I began to raise my voice again at Grayson.
"We're gonna wait!" Grayson yelled. "We will find out who's doing this, but until something more happens, we can't do anything."

Me and Jordan exchanged a glance and nodded at Grayson in agreement.

"Fine. Any more people get hurt in this situation, just know I'm coming after you Hyland." I said.

I left the room and slept right after that, frustrated and tired as to how quickly drama came up in under a week of me being released from jail.


I was running as fast as I could, ducking under branches and sliding past trees. I had to get away. I continued running, until I slipped in a pile of mud and struggled so hard to get my self out.

I have to get out. I have to.

The ear piercing sound of sirens approached me and from that second I knew it was over.

"Put your hands up!"


I woke up with a scream, breathing heavily at the nightmare I had. I glanced at my alarm clock.


A tear slipped from my eye, as a cold hand grasped my shoulder from behind.

"Ahh!" I screamed again, only to make out that the figure was a man.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" They asked, their voice raspy and quiet.

It must have been Grayson or Jordan, they sounded like they just woke up.

"Um...nightmare, its nothing, you can go back to sleep." I replied.
"You sure?" They asked.

The voice was clearer now, it was obviously Jordan.

"Yeah, sorry for waking you up." I said.
"Since when do you say sorry, nicest thing you've done to me is fucking kick me in the balls." He replied.

I laughed and ushered him back to his own bed and lay down again.

The more I thought about it the more I realised. What I had wasn't a dream,  it was reality.

A flashback.

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