Chapter Four

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I quickly changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie; I know I had been in jail for a year, but that didn't mean I didn't know how bloody cold it was on a November morning.

"Are you ready yet or not!?" Grayson called from the doorway.
"Nooo I'm in bed watching Twilight and crying over how Bella and Edward meet for the first time." I replied sarcastically.
"Dial down the sarcasm Midget, you may wanna save your energy for the run." He said whilst entering the room, munching on an apple.
"Urgh whatever, why am I even going with you?" I asked him.
"Wherever I go, you go and wherever you go, I go. Simple parol officer rule." He answered.
"Bro that better not include the bathroom." I said.
"You wish Midget." He replied, "Now hurry up, or I'm getting a real snake after you this time!"

After running about two miles, I expected to feel breathless, but I actually felt pretty good. I also felt even better when I decided to beat Grayson at his own game.

At mile six, I could tell he was tired, I was as well, but fuck no was I losing to him again.

"Dude, hurry up, we've only been out for 25 minutes." I said whilst jogging ahead of him.
"How the fuck are you so lively, because from what I remember, somebody was crying when they didn't wanna get outta bed this morning." He said suspiciously.

Shit, was he catching on?

"Ohh I get it. Midget is trying to beat me at jogging so she can make herself look better than me."

Urgh, I really couldn't have been given a dumber parol officer?

"Fuck you." I said, and continuing jogging ahead of him.

It was around 7am when we got home and I jumped onto the couch and turned on the T.V.  I stretched my legs out and laid my head back whilst sighing.

"Why are you getting so comfortable?" Grayson asked me as he drank from his water bottle.
"Cuz a fucking idiot got me up at the crack of dawn to run around this shitty ass neighbourhood for a whole hour and I think I bloody deserve the blessing of staring at Damon Salvatore, so why don't you-"
"Fucking hell, I asked a question not your life story."  He replied whilst raising his hands up at me.

I gave him a death stare then returned to watching The Vampire Diaries.

"Anyway, I was asking why your getting comfortable because its Monday." He said.
"Wow, you have grey eyes, can run AND read the date. Anyone who gets you must be a lucky girl." I replied in the most sarcastic tone ever.
"Obviously." He smirked. "But its Monday so your starting college today if you forgot."

College. Yes, the thing I wanted most after being surrounded by hundreds of bitchy girls and douchebags for a year was to go to a place where they practically live. Thanks a lot Grayson!

"Urgh I can't be bothered. Maybe next week." I said.
"Lemme think...nope you start today. Hurry up and change, we leave in an hour." He said, winking at me as he left the room.

I seriously didn't want to go to college. Faking ill seemed a bit too coincidental, so maybe I'll consider 'feeling ill' halfway through the day.

Smiling at my genius plan, I got up and walked into my room to get dressed.

Lets see what douchebag stocked the wardrobe up with then, I thought.

I opened the doors of the beautiful white cabinet and started searching.

More skirts.

Did he seriously not understand my epic style of oversized t-shirts and leggings from T.Y.O.J.?

All tops I could see were pretty short, so I grabbed a black tank top and threw a light denim jacket over it with a set of skinny jeans. I held a straightener to my hair because I wasn't bothered to comb that frizzy bomb, and ended up burning myself about six times on my neck.

I spent so long getting ready, I lost track of time and grabbed my phone to check how long I had left till I had to leave.


Shit, I was late.

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, knowing that Grayson would be sitting in his car with a smug look on his face and acting like he was about to drive off.

Obviously my instincts were right, but I ignored him and jumped into the car.

"Oh yeah, I already signed you up for your classes in college." Grayson said whilst keeping his eyes on the road.
"Lemme guess, the shitty ones that you like?" I replied.
"Whatever. You have French, English, Biology and Math." He said.
"Could you not give me any more of a boring life!!? Like dude, give me something enjoyable." I said, looking at him in a pissed off way.
"I'm not stone hearted you know. You have Home Ec as well." He said.
"Oh yay..."

We arrived at the college and the first thing I saw was this massive statue of Einstein and a sign saying 'Welcome to Quartz College".

I followed Grayson into what seemed to be the Principal's office and sat down on a chair next to him.

"So Miss.Riles, I understand you have a record of being in juvenile for this year and you are currently on-"
"Dude, I spent a year in prison, I get it, you get it and the idiot next to me gets it. So can we move on??" I said with an annoyed look.

What? Every time I meet someone they say I was in juvenile, like do you know nothing else about me?

Grayson was holding back his laughter whilst I looked the principal in the eye.

"Very well then if you want me to 'move on', you have detention." He said.

I stood up and was about to retort until he stopped me halfway.

"Another word and its double detention."

I left the office without a word as he wanted and dropped my head back in annoyance.

Something told me I was gonna have to cut down on the attitude here if I didn't want to go back to juvie..

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