Chapter 1

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"Load up Daisy," Tylee calls to her border collie companion. The dog gladly positioned her self in her normal spot, the passenger seat. And now the most dreaded day of the month begins. Except for maybe catching up on things with Bill and maybe even the some what overwhelming Becca.

Tylee has been looking forward to seeing her best friend Becca for the past week. She also enjoyed talking with Bill, the feed store owner. Bill had known her parents and grandparents and enjoyed hearing the happenings of the Hearts Bond ranch. Tylee had grown up going to his store with her Papaw and enjoyed listening to the stories that floated around.

As Tylee pulls up to the feed store Daisy gets excited and yelps with joy. Tylee smiles and snaps a leash onto her collar. Bill greets them cheerfully as they enter.

"Oh, and Becca said she would be over in about five minutes," he adds, Tylee nods with a smile and walks over to the halters. Since she lost one about a week ago she decides that she needs a new one. A squeal behind her makes Tylee turn around, immediately she is pulled into a tight hug.

"I feel like it has been way longer than a month since I have seen you!" Becca practically screams as she releases Tylee.

A small bark rings through the air as she responds making them both turn to Daisy, "Calm down Bec, I missed you to."

"Hi Daisy! No I didn't forget about you pretty girl," Becca gushes scratching the border collie in her favorite spot, behind her ears. "So what is the latest from Hearts Bond?"

"Work." Tylee replies with her usual short answer.

"Nice. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! Bill wants me to take the store over so I will be in here a lot more." Becca announces knowing that Tylee isn't going to tell anyone. Who would she tell, the trees? When I live two hours from civilization and only see people once a month how do you expect me to have anyone to tell?

The girls talk a while in the store before Becca gets in with Tylee and they go to the grocery store. Once Tylee has food for herself and dogs, ranch supplies and has placed her order for feed she goes back by the feed store.

Bill pulls her into a hug as she tells him bye, "Bye Tylee, take care. Call me if you need anything." He tells her with a bright smile. She nods and turns to the door pushing her black felt hat farther down on her head. She pushes the door open and a gust of wind comes through she continues on to her pickup and gets in.


Dan Hargrove pulls up to the feed store of Sundance and gets out, as he walks to the door a young woman not more than 20 gets in blue Dodge Ram diesel pickup. He had never seen her nor did he recognize the pickup, but something about her pulled the strings at his heart something that had never happened. He felt as if God was telling him that he needed to protect her.

He smiles as he breathes in the familiar scent of feed. "Evening Bill."

"Evening Dan," The gentlemen calls back as Dan notices his friend Becca sitting on a stool behind the counter as well.

"Hello Miss Becca," he says politely.

"Hello to you to Mister Dan," she remarks her smile wide.

"Who was the handsome filly?" Dan inquires, using old cowboy slang, leaning on the counter. Becca and Bill both chuckle.

"Man, Dan you act as if you have never seen a pretty girl before," Bill declares with a teasing grin.

"Well to be precise I haven't seen that pretty girl," Dan remarks.

Becca smirks allowing her match making to come out, "That just means that you haven't been in town on the right day of every month. Tylee only comes in once a month from her large ranch two hours outside of town."

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