Chapter 14

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Tylee saddles Dunn, a dun colored gelding. Dan has already headed out to check the cattle on the far East side. She is heading to the Pitt pasture to move the cattle to the field just over.

"Load up Daisy!" Tylee calls after loading Dunn in the trailer. With an excited bark Daisy jumps in the cab taking the passenger seat.

Lord give me Your peace that surpasses all man's understanding. I am so anxious and worried about this weekend. I need You with me. Thank you Lord for being such a forgiving God. Tylee prays as she drives across the ranch.

When she is in the pasture she hooks the siren up. She uses it and the horn to call the cattle up riding through them to count. When she is satisfied that she counted correctly she opens the gate into the field and loads her horse. She calls Daisy to get in before getting in herself and driving through the gate calling the cattle. When the cattle are moved, the water in the field checked and gates checked it is two in the afternoon.

"I bet Teddy Bear is getting worried. I am surprised that he hasn't called." She tells Daisy as they drive back to the house. Within thirty seconds of her saying that her phone rings, Dan. She picks it up laughing.

Tylee~ Hey Teddy Bear
Dan~ What is so funny?
Tylee~ I just told Daisy that I was surprised that you hadn't called.
Dan~ Well I was cooking then I told myself to be patient.
Tylee~ Well I am on my way.
Dan~ Okay. Food is ready.
Tylee~ Okay thank you Teddy Bear.

They hang up and within a few minutes Tylee pulls up to the barn. Dan stands waiting to help her unsaddle.

"How were the Pitt cattle?" He asks using the pasture name to address the cattle.

"Good I got all of them called up and moved." She tells him leading Dunn in the barn.

"Good, I'll unsaddle you go eat." He takes the reins with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." She gives in after a few seconds. Daisy follows her to the house where she lays down on her dog bed. Tylee finds a quesadilla in the mini stove she has sitting on the counter. She puts it on a plate with chips a smile on her lips.

In a few minutes Dan comes in and sits beside her at the table. He wraps his arm around her and kisses her cheek.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" He whispers.

"A couple of times." She giggles as she answers. 

He smiles and kisses her cheek once more. "Well I think you are the most beautiful women that ever walked the earth."

"And you are the sweetest and most handsome teddy bear that God ever created." She tells him with a loving smile.

"Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask." That was all the conformation that he needed. With a smile as bright as New York at night he lets his hand slip to the back of her head and his lips capture hers. The kiss is deep and the sparks run through them both.
"Teddy Bear are you sure this was a good idea?" Tylee asks as they drive down the road headed for his parents.

"Fawn, they are going to love you. Besides they know you are coming and I have already told them a little bit about you. They all know cattle and horses so you have something in common." Dan sooths her wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she sits in the middle.

"Okay." She whispers with a deep breath. Lord I need your unexplainable peace.

"I'm not dropping you off with a whole bunch of city people. I am still going to be there and they understand ranching."

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