Chapter 13

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"Thank you Bill." Tylee tells the old gentlemen.

"Anytime. I'm glad that you are going." He chuckles at her sigh.

"I'm just have to block out the thoughts or I get anxious." She smiles small.

"It will be good for you to get out. You haven't been on a 'vacation' since Ben passed away." Bill smiles at her with a knowingness that her Papaw had given her more than once.

"I know I guess that's part of what makes this so hard." She sighs at the pressure she puts on her self.

"I'll be praying." He tells her with a comforting smile.

"Thank you." She murmurs.

"So when do y'all leave?"

"We leave on Friday and will be back on Sunday morning or Saturday night."

"Takes your time. And don't worry about the ranch. You are just like your Papaw, a home body and your ranch is your baby." He smiles at her.

"I learned it well as he always said." She smiles at the memories of her Papaw always telling her that she was bred with it.

"Speaking of the weasel where is Dan?" Tylee laughs at Bill's random question.

"Papaw did that too. He would randomly say that we were talking about someone or thing when the name hadn't been mentioned. Dan is in the Green field checking cattle."

"Ah got the boyfriend working." He grins. "Yes, I heard. Becca told me the day you told her."

"Should have known that once Becca knew the whole town would know." She mutters with a shake of her head.

"He's a good guy. Good for you too."

"He is." She replies with a wide and happy smile. As they come to the exit of the barn Dan drives up.

"Hey Dan!" Bill calls as he walks to meet him.

"How are you, Bill?" Dan shakes the older gentlemen's hand with his usual bright smile. As Tylee walks up beside him he wraps his arm around her and kisses the top of her head. Bill raises his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"Been a long five hours with out her." Dan asserts with a shrug as if to excuse his displaying of affection. Bill chuckles and smiles giving Dan a unspoken 'she's good for you as you are her' lecture. Dan gives him the 'best thing that ever happen to me' look.

"Are you two having fun with your unspoken conversation?" Tylee interrupts the 'look conversation'.

"Conversation? What conversation?" Dan fakes confusion.

"I'm not dumb." She states while Bill laughs at them.

"I never said you were." He kisses the top of her head again before she lays her head on his shoulder.

"Well I think I will let you two get ready to head out in a day or so." Bill declares making Tylee blush and Dan laugh.

"Alright, thanks for looking after things. Drive safe." Dan tells him shaking his hand.

"Will do. Y'all have a good time and don't worry." He looks Tylee in the eyes as he says the last line. She nods and hugs him.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." Bill gets in his pickup and heads back to his place on the edge of town. Tylee and Dan walk to her house holding hands with Daisy trailing behind.

"Cattle were all good and those two baby calves we had in the pen the past couple of weeks are doing great." He reports as they wait on the coffee to make.

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