Chapter 25

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Dan feels as though Tylee can see right through his jeans pocket at the ring as they sit having lunch with Brandon. The conversation isn't very festive and he can see her eyeing him.

"If mom lets me off I will be back in a couple weeks and I won't just take up space this time, I fully intend on helping out," Brandon comments.

Tylee chuckles, "Good, I look forward to having you around." Why are they both being so secretive?

They continue eating in silence until the waiter brings the bill. Dan and Brandon argue back and forth for five minutes about who is going to pay for it. While they do Tylee slips the waiter the money and watches the two place reasoning's.

"Neither of you are paying for it, because I already have," She announces causing them both to turn and look at her.

"What? No, you can't pay for it!" They both declare at the same time.

She shrugs and stands up placing her hat back on her head. A smirk graces her lips as she pushes the doors open and starts towards her pickup. Serves them right for making such a big deal over it. She smiles and starts the engine of her pickup waiting on them to accompany her. When they finally do they are both grinning and have mischievous looks on their faces.

"See you later, Cus," Brandon says hugging her.

She smiles and hugs him back, "See you."

Brandon and Dan shakes hands, "See you later."

"You too," Dan says smiling.

Brandon waves to both of them as he drives off. Dan glances at Tylee smirking.

"Get in if you are going with me," she announces shaking her head. He chuckles and follows orders his smirk never fading.

The ride is quiet with only the sound of the motor and the music playing softly in the back ground. The peaceful sounds give Dan a chance to think. How am I going to do this? Where am I going to do it? He shakes his head. When am I going to do it? I have to figure out how to keep it quiet so she doesn't get any ideas. The sound of a cattle guard rattling under the pickup makes him look up from his trance.

Tylee glances over at her boyfriend as she pulls over the cattle guard leading to the house trap. He is deep in thought as he stares out the window and he seems to be talking to himself as his facial expressions change. She holds back her giggles as he jumps ever so slightly at the sound of the cattle guard. What is he been thinking about?

"Fawn, I am going to go to the bunkhouse for lunch, if that's okay," he says breaking her from her own thoughts.

"Yeah that's fine." Okay that is weird, usually he would rather help me cook. She frowns deeply as she opens the back door. There is a slight push against it as she gently pushes it closed.

"I'm not leaving without something," he says sticking his head through the small opening.

She giggles and pecks his lips quickly.

He scoffs, "That's all I get?"

Giggling once more she shrugs.

He pushes the door all the way open and catches her by the waist pulling her to him, "I can't go on such little fuel." He kisses her cheek and spins her around to face him. Her smile is like a match setting fire to his heart as she leans in ever so slightly enticing him into a deep kiss. He closes the gap and covers her lips with his.

"I love you," he whispers after breaking the kiss for a breath.

"I love you too, Teddy Bear."

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