Chapter 16

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Dan turns on John Wayne's Tall in the Saddle and cuddles Tylee to his chest. Five minutes into the movie she moves around making him laugh.

"Are you having trouble staying awake?" He teases with a smirk.

"No, I was just think that maybe we shouldn't be hiding out."

"Eh, they always take like a three hour nap after lunch on the weekends they aren't missing us." He tells her with a shrug.

"Oh," She says stifling a yawn.

"Just give it up, Fawn." He whispers with a smirk.

"No, Teddy Bear. I'm not letting you win even though I have always wanted to push you off the bed." She giggles.

Dan clears his throat in effort to sound gruff. "Excuse me little lady, but I will be amazed if you can push me out of the bed."

"Teddy Bear is that yet another challenge?"

"I hadn't intended it to be, but sure."

"In that case I am letting myself fall asleep." She states in satisfactory. She rolls her eyes when Dan starts to laugh.

"Fawn you are so funny!" He declares while trying to catch his breath.

"I am so glad that I could amuse you, but I am trying to go to sleep. So, if you could keep it down it would be greatly appreciated."

"Now you are trying to go to sleep."

"Of course, I have to push you off the bed." She smirks.

"I hope you are prepared." He replies shaking his head with a amused smile.

Just over halfway through the movie Tylee's even breathing tells Dan that she has indeed fallen asleep. He chuckles and kisses her forehead. He feels his own eyes flutter shut and slips into a dream.

Tylee wakes up on Dan's chest, where she had fallen asleep. She raises her head to find him in a deep sleep and the movie over. She smirks and slips his arm from around her waist. She moves closer to the wall the bed was on. Moving to where she can push off the wall with her feet and apply the force to his side her smirk deepens.

Holding back her laughter Tylee places her hands on his shoulder and on his belt. Pushing off the wall with her feet she giggles as his body begins to slide. His eyes pop open and he grabs the comforter just as he arm and leg slip off the bed and his body hits the floor with a thump. Tylee bursts in fits of laughter peering over the side of the bed at him as he laughs himself.

"I told you I could push you off, Teddy Bear." She says still laughing.

"You succeeded." He mutters through laughter.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs and in the hall stop the laughing party in its tracks. The half open door moves slightly and Susan peeks in.

"What fell and what is so-" She glances down at the floor where Dan lays with one eye half open. She burst out laughing stumbling in the floor as Greg and Sam peer in the door pushing it open farther. They glance from the bed to the floor and join in on the laughter.

"Did she push you off?" Sam voices as he laughs as Katherine makes it to the scene.

"What is going on in here that everyone is so tickled about?" She asks looking around the room, from Tylee to Dan and back again.

"Dan... just... got pushed... off the bed." Susan declares gasping from air with a smile.

"How did my big brother that always seems to be on the up and up get pushed off the bed?" Greg inquires.

"It started with a friendly debate that we had." Dan answers with a wink in Tylee's direction.

"I lived with you for sixteen years you don't 'friendly debate' you challenge." Susan retorts rolling her eyes and peering at him in expectance.

"Well you could say I did that." He smirks at his sisters anxiousness to know how it all came about. "I said that she couldn't stay awake through the whole movie." He sends another wink toward Tylee who replies with a small smile.

"And...." Greg pushes.

"And she said that if I won then she got to push me off the bed."

"Let me guess, you said that she couldn't and then that became the big challenge." Sam joins the conversation.

"You could say that. I guess you might say I went to sleep and then here I am." Dan shrugs and sits up.

"You are hopeless. When will you ever learn not to challenge people?" Susan declares shaking her head.

"At least he only challenges things that are potentially harmless rather than challenging people for fist fights." Katherine adds to the conversation.

"You don't think I would win?" Dan mocks being extremely hurt.

"Well that all depends on who you go up against." His dad tells him with a chuckle.

"I see how much faith my family has in me." He laughs picking himself up from the floor and onto the bed beside Tylee.

"Well I am going to go back down stairs and start on the big meal." Katherine announces turning down the hall.

"I shall come fill the silence for you Love." Sam tells her.

Dan stares at Greg and Susan trying to keep a straight face.

"I am going to take a nap with my girlfriend so scoot or go to sleep." He lays down.

"Oh no you don't. You already had a nap we are going to go do something." Tylee demands softly.

"But I want to take a uninterrupted one." He smiles and cocks one eye open.

"Nope, you are getting up and joining me."

"But I don't want to. Where are we going anyway?"

"I don't know, you are the one that knows your way around. So, get your lazy hind end up and come on."

"If I were you I would listen to her. After all she did just push you off the bed." Susan giggles waiting to witness him hit the ground.

Dan shrugs and smiles. He sighs and rolls to his feet when Tylee raises her eyebrows.

"Where do you want to go, Fawn?"

"I don't know I am bored though." She tells him with a shrug.

"You would get bored if you where in a room full of toddlers begging you to play. The only reason being that it isn't hard manual labor." He tells her before planting his lips on hers.

Tylee shrugs in response after the kiss.

"How about we go see the sights on the four wheeler. Sorry we don't have anything as interesting as a sled and team."

"I thought four wheelers were pretty awesome when I was ten."

"Like me with Perk and Glory?"

"Yeah pretty much." She laughs. Dan holds his hand out for her to take. She smiles and laces her fingers through his.

"You mind if they came along?" He whispers nodding to his siblings. She glances at them before back at his blue eyes. Shrugging she shakes her head no. His smile grows and he kisses her forehead. Clearing his throat he turns to his siblings. "Would you two care to take the other four wheeler and join us?"

"Are you sure?" Susan asks glancing from Dan to Tylee.

"I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't dirt." He smirks knowing she hates it when he uses his idiom.

"I'm in." She voices rolling her eyes.

"Me too!" Greg declares jumping up and running down the hall then the stairs.

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