Chapter 4

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Three weeks fly by as Dan prepares for fall works on the Rockin' Chair Ranch. It is Monday of the last week in October and he can't wait for this week to be over and to start at Hearts Bond. Saddling Hopper he is filled with an anxiousness to get started, fall and spring works are his favorite time of year.

"West Row!" Joseph announces as the cowboys load their horses in the trailer.

Once to the pasture Dan unloads Hopper as do the other hands. Tightening his cinch in the cool morning air he sends up a prayer before stepping into the saddle. Joseph gives out instructions and then the guys ride off in their assigned spots. Dan rides between Joseph and Clyde giving him a extra boost of try. After gathering and driving the herd of cattle to the pens everyone hobbles their horses catches a ride to the main house to eat.

"Where are you going the next three weeks?" Clyde asks Dan as they sit down at the table.

"Hearts Bond Ranch." Dan answers before stuffing his mouth with food to prevent having to say more.

"Ah, with the girl." Clyde chuckles as Dan colors slightly.

"I'm helping out with the works." Dan mumbles becoming slightly nervous with the older gentlemen's teasing.

"Nice of you to help out. I guess I get to cover for you." Clyde is enjoying the game.

"Thanks." Is Dan's simple reply. When he realizes how short of a reply he gave he has a hard not laughing, he reminds himself of Tylee.


Tylee drives into town stressing and in a hurry. She pulls up to the feed store and kills the engine of her pickup. As she walks through the door she is met with a ear piercing shriek belonging Becca.

"Tylee! Dan was in here the other day and told me that he is helping with fall works! That's great! It is about time that you get some help, if only you would hire someone full time!" Becca spiels in one breath.

"Becca, let the lady inside." Bill instructs with an amused smile. Becca steps out of the way and walks with an overwhelmed Tylee to the counter. "How have things been going?"

"Horrible. Everything is falling apart right when I need them to stay together the most." Tylee's reply is laced with frustration.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Bill asks, he has always had a soft spot for the girl with a unimaginable work ethic.

"Becca, could you clean the bunk house up before Monday?" Tylee forces herself to ask for help something that had seemed to becoming a pattern in her life lately.

"Of course!" Becca exclaims happy to be able to play a little matchmaker while still helping her friend out.

"Thanks." Tylee places her feed and supply order before going to the grocery store and picking up sandwich stuff as well as her usual food supplies. The whole idea of having someone helping her for three weeks was causing her to be out of sorts.

After getting the things she needs from town she heads back to the ranch Becca following in her sports car. Tylee shows Becca to the bunk house, which is about two miles down a dirt road south of her house. After showing Becca the small house Tylee goes back to her house and unloads the groceries. With daylight still available when she finishes she drives to the Ground Grain pasture and rolls out five strands of barbed wire. When it is dark she has three of the five in place, she turns the headlights on her pickup on and continues. At three in the morning she is back at her house and getting out of the shower.

Tylee wakes up to her alarm after two hours of sleep. She dresses and saddles Grover a dependable gelding loading him in the trailer. She drives to the west side and gets him out tightening her cinch before stepping into her saddle. She spends hours working her way across the pasture to gather the cows and calves before she drives the cattle to the pasture just south of the one they were in.

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