Chapter 7

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Dan spent the night in the bunk house he had stayed at while helping with works. Thank you Lord for working things out. He rejoices as he drives down the road to Tylee's house.

"Morning Boss!" He calls with a smirk as she walks from the barn back to her house.

"If you recall you haven't quit your other job yet." Tylee smarts and continues to walk past him. She had gotten the courage to carry on a conversation with someone after two years of no one on the ranch. The idea of actually having a two way conversation made her smile and shrink back all at once. Dan chuckles and follows her inside.

"Would you like to come into town with me?" He asks sitting down at the table.

"Becca." She replies handing him a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." She nods in reply.

Breakfast is eggs and sausage burritos. After eating Dan heads back to the Rockin' Chair Ranch to put in his two weeks notice. Tylee went out and saddled Willow Wind. She drives to the south side to fix a stretch of fence; after riding to the corner and checking the recently set post she called the cattle up and fed them. The early December weather had not reached its low temperatures yet so the water troughs weren't frozen over. Tylee stops to eat the sandwich she had packed, hobbling Wind so she can eat as well.

After feeding the remainder of the south side Tylee goes back to the house and gathers the horses. She sorts three off before unsaddling Willow Wind and turning her out with the others. Daisy follows her to the house laying down on the rug while Tylee fixes herself supper. After she eats she feeds Daisy and Jake then gets in the shower.


The last two weeks of working at the Rockin' Char Ranch couldn't go by fast enough for Dan. Clyde enjoyed giving him a hard time the entire fourteen days; teasing that it was all because of a girl. Dan brushed it off with good nature keeping up with his daily responsibilities. Finally he is packing his stuff and driving to Hearts Bond Ranch to be the 'bunk house boy.' Dan is pleasantly surprised when he pulls up to the bunk house, he was growing fond of, and Tylee's pickup was there.

"Afternoon official boss." Dan calls with a smirk as he walks in the already open door.

"No more 'boss'!" She declares chunking the roll of paper towels she had at him.

"Why not?!" He teases setting his bag down.

"Because I said so."

"But Tylee is so formal." He whines earning a glare from her.

"No boss and no Ty." She tells him. He doesn't miss the pain in her voice when she says 'Ty'. He wanted to know the story behind the nickname, but didn't dare ask.

"Papaw called me that." She mumbles as if she read his mind.

After things are cleaned up in the bunk house and his things inside they go back to Tylee's for supper.

"So do you have family your very close to?" Dan asks as they eat.

"Not really. My aunts, uncles and cousin's came when Papaw and Granna were around, but they haven't been down in about two years." She tells him.

"That's too bad. I guess I'm used to having my family's support." He says feeling a little guilty.

"No reason to feel guilty family is good to have around. Papaw always tried to get them more into the ranch, but they never did."

"Do you like running the ranch?"

"Yeah, it keeps me busy."

"That it does." His comment makes her blush a little.

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