Chapter 2

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Dan stops by the feed store a couple of weeks after seeing Tylee. He wears his big happy smile as he strolls through the door.

Becca declares her greeting as usual, "Well look who's back!"

"Did you think I was going to runway?" Dan teases earning a eye rolling from Becca.

"So what can I get for you today?" Becca asks.

"Is Bill around?" Dan inquires.

She smiles letting a hint of pride show, "I have the store all to my self."

"Well in that case I will be back after a while to pick up the fence panels I need." He tells her catching the excited look in her eyes. Oh great, she is up to something and I have a feeling I am going to be caught in the middle of it.

"Alright, I will have them on the charge for the Rockin' Chair." She assures him while her inner matchmaker is swirling with ideas. He exits and she lets out a squeal, her plan is working perfectly!


It has been two weeks since Tylee has been in town, two weeks she has worked hard. Sweat drips off her tall body with broad shoulders, for a girl, as she cleans out one of many water troughs. She turned the pump, she was using to pump the water out, off as her phone rings. It is Becca.


"Hey Tylee! You think that you could come into town next week?" Becca's voice shrieks through the phone.

Tylee cocks an eyebrow, "That's a week earlier than usual and would put off my supply schedule."

"I was thinking to spend time and then you could come back for supplies," Becca tells her.

"Sorry Becca I can't."

Becca sighs, "Okay, at least let me know as soon as you can when you will be coming back into town."

"Will do," She replies.

The unlikely friends hang up and Tylee continues on with cleaning out the water trough. She slowly begins to see the bottom of it as she scoops the mud and muck out. Finally! I can tell this hasn't been done in over a year.

The weeks fly by and before Tylee knows it she has warned Becca and then is heading into town a couple days later. After much pleading from Becca Tylee arranged it so that she is spending the night with her friend. Daisy, of course, came along on the adventure.

"Lets go Daisy!" Tylee calls opening the pickup door. The dog jumps in and gets comfortable in the passenger seat. Tylee throws her bag in the backseat before getting in and pulling out of the driveway. 


Dan is riding through cattle when his phone rings with a sigh he pulls it out of his pocket and answers it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey Dan! It's Becca, can you come into town and hang out for the day tomorrow?" The familiar bubbly voice sounds through the phone line and into his ear.

He cracks a small smile, "Kind of short notice. I don't have a lot going on around here so I think I can manage, but what's the occasion?"

"Oh nothing just been boring around here," She tells him hoping that he doesn't pick up on what is really goin on.

"Becca Williams I know you way better than that there is some occasion," He says sternly.

She sighs and gives in, "Well there might be something going on."

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