Chapter 8

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Tylee wakes up and gazes out the window at the dim light morning sky. Small snowflakes fall making a thin white covering on the ground. After getting dresses she starts coffee and sticks a casserole in the oven. As she feeds Daisy her phone buzzes, signaling a text.

Morning sweet Tylee! Looks like a beautiful white day for a beautiful girl. If I don't see you before it is over: have a blesses morning.

She smiles as she reads the text.

You aren't joining me for breakfast? It is Friday.

The two had a breakfast schedule. Monday, Wednesday, Friday they eat at her house, taking turns who cooks. Tuesday and Thursday they by themselves, just so they have some time to themselves. The weekends vary.

It is isn't it? I was thinking it was Thursday for some reason. I'm cooking! She starts to laugh when she reads his text. They usually fight over who cooks and cleans up, all in good nature.

Too late! Already got it in the oven!

Dang it! Lol be over in a second.

When Daisy scrambles to the door with joyful bark Tylee knows that Dan has arrived. With a smile she walks to the door on her boot clad feet.

"Good morning Tylee." He greets as she opens the door before he can.

"You can call me Ty or something."

"Are you sure?" His voice soft and caring with happiness and love mixed in.

"I'm sure." She tells him with a bright smile.

"Boss?" He chuckles while smirking. She glares at him and slaps his arm.

"You know what I think about that.... Terd!" She declares with her own smirk.

"I know, I'm just kidding."

"How many are on the ground?" She asks while giggling.


"You said you were kidding..." With a smirk she turns around and walk toward the kitchen.

"Oh! You are such a smart alack!" Dan declares after a few seconds.

"It took you long enough."

"Yeah yeah." They both laugh as she takes the casserole out of the oven.

"So what's on today's agenda?" Dan asks after they have prayed and began eating.

"Feed the cattle and check heifers. Regular chores." Tylee tells him.

"Light load." He comments before stuffing food in his mouth.

"Seems that way, but you know how things go."

"True. You want feeding or heifers?"

"I'll take the heifers." She tells him.

"Right, because you enjoy hogging all the cuteness." He retorts making her laugh.

"That's not even a valid point. You get to see all kinds of cute bundles of joy when you feed." She points out with a grin.

"But- I don't get to feed with you."

"You say that as if you usually do. Twice. Two times, we have only fed together twice." She shakes her head as he gives her the puppy dog face.

"I want to feed with you." He pouts.

"If I had the extra time floating around I would gladly go and feed with you, but you know as well as I do free time isn't heard of around here." She tells him with a sad smile.

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