Chapter 11

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"Tylee, fawn, let me do that." Dan sighs.

"I can put a few saddles back on the rack." She declares.

"Maybe, but I'm not going to let you." He picks up one of the remaining saddles and slides it on the rack.

After three days of feeding hay and cake the snow quit and melted down to half an inch. Today it was raining heavily and with nothing pressing the two had opted to cleaning the barn out.

"You are a hopeless situation." Tylee mutters as he finishes putting the remaining saddles on the racks.

"No, my fawn, you are hopeless situation." He plants a kiss on her cheek. With a roll of her eyes she slips her hand in his. His overjoyed smile is enough to let her know she made the right move.

"What else is on the back burner that we can do in the rain?" He asks wrapping his arms around her.

"Town is the only thing left that actually needs to be done." Dread laces her voice.

"Fawn, we're going to have to tell Becca sooner or later."

"I know. Does it have to be today though?"

"Sooner it is done the sooner the weight is gone."

"You are way too smart for your own good." She states with a smile.

"I like it that way." A mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"On that note! Are you coming with me to face the chatty Cathy or must I face her allow?" Dan chuckles and kisses her forehead.

"I won't leave you to face the beast alone."

"Thank you." They get what they need together and load up in her pickup. Daisy takes the back seat with an disapproving bark at Dan. He insists on driving and after a heated argument Tylee gives in.

"You might has well get used to me driving cause it's gonna happen." He states in victory.

"If you recall you work for me." She retorts.

"That may be so, but I wasn't raised a slacker."

"Neither was I."

"Your not a guy though. We are suppose to do things like that. Hold doors, drive, carry things."

"Okay you might have a point."

"Of course I have a point I always have valid points!" He declares with a smirk.

"Don't get to full of yourself there." She shakes her head with a smile.

"I'll try it is just so hard with all these super powers."

"Right." She rolls her eyes at hm.

"Ouch! That hurt! I worked really hard on that come back and you just shot it down."

"Oh please! I'm not that bad. Besides you didn't have enough time to 'work really hard' on your come back." She makes air quotations with her fingers. Dan laughs in amusement and drapes an arm around her. 

Before long they pull up to the feed store. Tylee clips on Daisy's leash before opening the door letting the dog out. 

"And the nightmare begins." She mutters as Dan holds the door for her entering behind her.

"It will be fine Fawn." He whispers.

"Tylee! It's been like forever! I wasn't in here the last time you came in!" Becca's unmistakable voice shrieks with joy.  Becca pulls Tylee into a hug. Dan coughs announcing his presences as it seems Becca over looked him. She releases Tylee and looks at him then back to Tylee.

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