Chapter 9

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"Close your eyes." Dan instructs.

"Okay, but you know there isn't a view that I haven't seen on this ranch." Tylee answers with a shrug.

"I know." She can hear the smile that is no doubt on his face.

When he finally declares she can open her eyes she is extremely anxious to see what he is up to. Her eyes pop open. A hundred different emotions stampede at her as the snow covered pine she knows so well enters her sight. Before her mind can register what is happening she throws herself at the unexpecting Dan.  He wraps his arms around her with a smile.

"How did you know it was special?" She whispers into his coat collar.

"I just had a feeling." He tells her. She lifts her head to gaze into his eyes. His sky blue eyes that, in that moment, captured her heart. He takes her hand and helps her to the ground. They walk to the tree hand in hand. She doesn't want him to take his hand from hers.

Tylee runs her fingers over the carvings in the trunk.

'Don't ever stop being my Ty man

                    ~ Papaw (Ben Jackson)'

She could remember Papaw craving the words with his knife like it was yesterday. It was after he had gotten out of the hospital from his broken hip. Everyone knew that the injury ended his front seat ranching career... And that Tylee would be taking it over full time, no help.

"I can tell he thought a lot of you." Dan's voice is soft pulling her from the memory.

"How come do you say that?" She questions turning to meet his caring gaze.

"Because he wanted everyone to know how much you meant to him." He tells her. She smiles and gazes at the tree trunk.

"I guess so."

"He loved you more than the air he breathed, Fawn." Dan tries out the new pet name he had thought of.

"He would have loved you like a son, Teddy Bear." She smiles up at him waiting for his reaction to her pet name for him.

"You really think so?" He knew that it was a compliment. She thought the world of her Papaw and he could tell that he was a man worth looking up to.

"Yeah, he would." She lays her head on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around his torso, as are his on her. With a smile he kisses the top of her head. "I like the name."

"It took me a little while to think of the right one. I like mine, too."

"I'm glad." She whispers. The speed of snowfall increases urging them to turn back to the house. Once at the barn Tylee shows Dan how to unharness. After the harnesses where off and Perk and Glory were brushed off the couple turn them out.

'Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with the most amazing man.' She prays with a thankful smile.

"Lets go to the house, we can unload later." She voices with a smile.

"I can agree with that." He smiles at her and intertwines his fingers in hers. She glances at their hands then back to his eyes a smile spreading across her lips. They make their way to Tylee's house with Daisy trotting behind them. While Dan tends to the fire place Tylee starts a pot of coffee.

"You know I have been working here for a while and Becca still doesn't know." Dan comments as they sit on the couch mugs in hand.

"That's amazing." Tylee mutters staring into the fire. He chuckles at her comments and wraps his arm around her.

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