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One night had turned into six and on the seventh I left back 'home'.

Staying in the house was exhausting. Every sound was new and distracting, so I'd spend the nights awake in case anyone came into my room and I'd sleep during the day while they were out doing their work.

We rarely spoke to one another.

I didn't like Taylor or Adam, the urge to rip them apart was mutual between my wolf and I, so it was just easier to avoid them. Jay was persistent, constantly asking if I needed anything and willing to wait me out, presuming soon I'd break and we'd end up as best friends or something just as stupid.

Connor was the only one I spoke to. He'd be the first home for lunch and in the afternoon. He was also the first one up in the morning and it was while everyone slept we'd talk. Maybe because he had only just turned eighteen or because of his quiet and calm nature, I found something in him I could trust.

That said, I never told him much about myself while he was happy to pour out his life story. It helped me understand Cody a little more too. I understood what he meant when he said he felt broken; it wasn't just their parents that had been killed but his mate as well.

I didn't ask anything else after that, and I couldn't look at him the same way either.

Connor also filled me in on what was popular now in music, even lending me an iPod to listen to while I was alone. The more he told me about movies, celebrity gossip and world events the more I felt like an alien. Everything was foreign to me and he'd stop if he thought I was becoming overwhelmed.

Eating their food had made me sick for the first few days, and on the day I left it was the first time I hadn't had to throw up or wait for it to painfully go through my system. My wolf thought this was a good sign, that I was adapting and maybe I was.

"I've been talking to her Cody, she doesn't say much about where she comes from, but I think she trusts me."

"That's good Connor, be careful though. She clearly has a past and I've seen the way she watches Adam and Tay. Don't go anywhere alone with her, if she thinks like a wolf she might be waiting for us to seperate to take us down."

"I don't think she will hurt us, Taylor shot her and Adam was a dickhead — I wouldn't like them very much either."

Cody sighed, getting up from the dining table.

"I'm going to go downstairs for a bit, I'll leave the door open so if anything happens just yell."

"Ok, I'm going to check the missing person's database and see if I can match anything to her. There aren't any Daisy's and I think that was a fake name."

"Careful with all that hacking computer stuff Connor."

"It's totally untraceable, don't worry!"

Cody left him and I headed into the kitchen where he sat with a laptop in front of him. He jumped, unaware I had walked in and I looked at him suspiciously.

"You need to wear a bell, you're too quiet." He scolded, slamming down the screen.

"Maybe you need to learn how to use your senses better." I snapped, feeling guilty as he looked hurt at my harsh tone. That was saved for the others, not him.

"What's your name?"


"I'm using my senses now and I know that's a lie." He challenged and I had to smile a little. His fear of me was starting to weaken, but I didn't mind. I don't want people to fear me, just the ones who should.

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