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Being human again was hard. I had to shower daily, dress and be civil. Meal times were hardest because I had to remember manners. I had only been feeding in wolf form, hence the neglected state of my body so having to chew - not rip and swallow as well as use cutlery, cook – apply condiments and salad dressings, was hard.

Two weeks after my return, I still couldn’t stand being around Taylor or Adam. Adam’s fear radiated off him like death on a corpse and while she was not a strong enough shifter to do so, I could feel Taylor’s resentment and desire to fight.

Jay was constantly trying to make peace, trying to find topics Taylor and I could share an interest in, like shopping and pink sparkly items – those kind of things that had become so irrelevant to my life. I admired him for trying, but until we had at each other nothing was going to ease the tension.

Connor was my biggest ally, I forgave him for his computer searches and rather than wait for Cody to tell him my story, I did it myself. In return, on those late night and early mornings we spent together, I taught him things like he had been doing for me, only rather than catching up on politics and the economy, latest computer software and advances in mobile phones; I taught him to fight.

Oddly he didn’t like being in his wolf form, beneath the skin the animal was more controlling than the human and it scared him. Considering how quickly he had been to submit when we had met in the wild, it confused me. I guess the wolf saw his weakness and used it to his own advantages.

Determined to help him, I was always making him shift and be in wolf form. I had him practicing using his senses by setting scent trails for him to follow and practicing how to listen so when I snuck up on him, he might stand a chance at hearing me. The sooner he and his wolf learnt to work together, the better for them both.

When I wasn’t with Connor, I was with Cody.

Our workouts weren’t easy on either of us. We’d both walk away on shaking limbs and bleeding with bruises, although I think he liked it. None of the others here could go into combat with him; the guards he hired did occasionally, but they were happy to keep to themselves and patrol alone.

My pack had yet to move on to higher grounds, so most nights I still left the house and called out to them. I’d still get their replies, checking on their missing friend – just hearing their howls was like getting a hug and helped settle my nerves from being at the house. Even if I wanted to, my wolf never let me run away again.

It was going into the third week when I had another nightmare about my shifting night. My mates words about making the predator the prey haunting me as I woke, covered in sweat and screaming. It wasn't the first time it had happened since being in the house, but because they were all out and doing their own thing they never knew. This time Cody happened to be coming in early and heard it all so came to check on me.

I shifted instantly as someone appeared in my room, still pumped up from the dream it took me a few moments to realize whom it was and seeing Cody, I was glad no one else witnessed it. I refused to shift back and so, he shifted too; laying beside me in wolf form as he waited for me to calm down.

He didn’t mention it that night when we had dinner.

As usual I sat back from the table, staying out of conversation and guarding my plate. I refused to eat in front of them, struggling to stop myself from simply shoving food into my mouth like it was my last meal. Connor tried to encourage me to eat with them, so did Jay.

Taylor and Adam still ignored me.

My nightmare played on my mind, and as everyone went their separate ways to sleep I waited for my alone time with Connor. Cody continuously hovered and I’m not sure if it was because my episode this afternoon had him worried about me or his family should I flip out again.

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