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“Bianca! There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Leanna grabbed my arm and it took me a few minutes to focus on the details of my room. Nothing had changed, only as I looked down I saw the white gown I wore for my birthday party and touched the diamond around my neck.

“Sorry, I needed the bathroom and thought I’d touch up my lipstick.” I answered, only that wasn’t what I wanted to tell her. I felt trapped in my body, like when my wolf had taken over and I was only going along for the ride.

“Good idea, there is certain Mr that wants to dance with you,” She winked and laughed, “And he isn’t your Dad!”

I felt nervous, my heart starting to beat as we made our way back downstairs and into the party.

“I hope when you shift he’s your mate. How good would that be? Despite you family taking the pack from his, we know he’s going to challenge your Dad and then you can be our Alpha’s!” She started filling me on her daydream and the feeling of unease that had unsettled me back then returned.

How could I have forgotten about this?

“I don’t think this is a good idea!”

“You’re just nervous, oh look there he is!” Leanna quickly fixed up a stray curl and then obviously pushed me in his direction and left me standing alone.

“Bianca, I don’t think I’ve wished you happy birthday yet!” Ethan was quick to take Leanna’s place at my side and it was hard to miss the way our parents were all staring curiously.

“It’s ok, I think everyone else has made up for it.”

“Well, happy birthday.” He took my hand and kissed it gently, looking into my eyes as he let it go as if he was searching something.

I knew he wasn’t going to be my mate and perfect the fairytale; I had no idea until I went through the shift, but a part of me just knew.

“Would you like to dance?”

Nodding he led me towards the dance floor and just like when Dad came out, a slower song came on meaning we had to stay close to each other.

“They all want us to be mates.” He whispered into my ear. I had been close to guys before, I had a bunch of friends only none of them had ever held me like Ethan was or whispered in my ear in a tone like his.

“We’re not mates.” I answered quickly, hoping he didn’t get offended.

“I know. I also know we can’t possible know for sure until you shift, but you have that feeling too?”

I laughed, nodding and he spun me elegantly around. I had no idea he could even dance like this. Despite us all being in the same pack, attending the same school – we weren’t in the same social groups and my knowledge on him was limited to the fact he was expected to challenge my father when the time came. He wasn’t much taller than me, but he was rather solid and fit. I think he was on swim team and the majority of the she-wolves here had a crush on him. With his blonde hair and blue eyes, there wasn’t much not to love.

“Well this isn’t awkward.”

Turns out he was a nice guy too.

“Not at all, hey Ethan – did it hurt to shift?”

I decided to talk to someone who had just gone through it, his birthday was last month and turning serious he held me a little tighter and gave me the truth.

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