Returning to the Wolves

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Three months later.

When I was living in the wild among the wolves, I only knew each day for what it was. Day would turn to night, with the sun  guaranteed to rise each morning. What is it they always say, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery - there is only the here and now. Besides, it can all change with a word, a vision or even by taking a different way to work. I could try and find another Esmeralda, spend my time learning about what is coming and how to change it only I'd miss out on so much along the way and where would that take me exactly? Damon destroyed his life and nearly destroyed mine on his quest for altering the future.  To play that game is tempting, but the price will always be too high.

Laying out in the sun, my pack surrounds me. The Alpha's daughter is getting closer to challenging her mother now. They have little patience for each other and her dominant nature isn't so easily forgiven either. One day, the telling off will go to far and a new Alpha will take the lead. The pups from spring are able to join the pack now, no longer needing the security of the den and as I lazily doze on and off, the smallest male climbs over my back to tug on my ear. He may be the smallest, but he is fearless.

These are the moments I enjoy now.

It's not long until the black wolf arrives, instantly gaining all of our attention. My tail thumps against the dirt distracting the pup from his playful attack on my face and getting up, I rub myself against my mate. We may not be destined as the fairy tales from my childhood would have me believe, but he is mine as much as I am his. Maybe this was what fate, or the gods, or whatever decides these things had in mind anyway. He is my rock, my strength, my equal. It's hard to remember a time without him in my life, and thinking back to the challenge he first presented makes me wonder if my wolf had always known this is where we would end up - together. 

I nip his shoulder playfully and take off across the meadow and as I near the river I shift, boldly climbing up onto the rocks while the wolf watches for a moment before shifting too. I don't hesitate now, diving into the water which is still warm despite the summer beginning to give way to the fall. Cody climbs up to where I had just stood, though he hesitates about jumping in.

"Isn't it a little cold for swimming?" He asked hesitantly.

"On a day like today? What are you, chicken?" I tease, following with a variety of chicken sounds as I bob around in the water. Taking a few steps back he cannon balls into the river, and I scream as the water explodes with his impact.

Rising up from the depths, he shakes his head, sending a new spray of water in my direction and calls me over. The mischievous look in his eyes has me starting to swim to shore instead.

"What are you, chicken?" He mimics, diving under the water he catches up easily and before I know it, we're in the middle of a splash fight.

Calming down, he pulls me close against him and having his body so close to mine sends a rush of happiness through me I never thought possible. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he floats backwards until we're resting on the shore and each kiss still feels like our first. Minus the shock and awkwardness, of course. Now there couldn't be anything more natural than this, than us.

The wolves soon stampede from the forest, and not just my canine pack, but our family is among them too. The moment of being alone is ruined with the wolves spreading out to carry on their lazy afternoon and the humans hidden among them join us for a swim as we shift to play around. Cody takes off after Adam, tackling him into the water as Taylor sits up on the rocks to sun bake instead. One of the new pups follow her while Connor has shifted back to human form a few meters away and is trying to teach one it's siblings to play fetch. Jay decides to join in the game with his brothers, while I change back into my human form and swim away a short distance from the shore - watching them proudly.

I don't know what the future holds, but as far as the here and now goes; it can't get much better than this.


Well that's all folks. I hope the ending didn't disappoint anyone!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and for all your comments and votes along the way! :) I really really really appreciate it more than I could ever express on here!

ER xx

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