Twenty One.

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Waking up in Damon’s arms wasn’t as surprising as it should have been. It was just before dawn and slipping out of his embrace was awkward. Thankfully he didn’t wake up and while my first instinct was to get away, I sat back down and watched him for a moment. The frown had lessened on his face, if anything I was positive there was signs of a possible smile threatening to turn up the corners of his mouth. His brow was smooth, not creased with worry or frustration and he finally looked his age.

Normally he looked much older than being in his late twenties. I guess stress and the constant war he was battling in his mind would do that to a person. His dark brown hair was almost black in the dim light, and the urge to touch him proved too strong. Carefully reaching out I cupped his face, my thumb barely brushing over the skin of his cheek and he instantly leaned into my touch.

 Closing my eyes I thought over the night he left me for dead. His conflict had been clear, yet he did it. He walked away and let them beat me, throwing me over the cliff like I was nothing.

The warmth I had let into my heart was pushed out, he chose his fate. Killing him didn’t seem as easy as it had earlier and I waited for the voice of my wolf to pop up in my head. She would tell me what was right and wrong, what she wanted us to do now. Only she never came, her presence lingered in the back of my mind amongst the doubts and curiosity.

Pulling my hand away I got up, leaving the bedroom I showered to try and get his scent off my skin. I needed a clear mind and having him follow me around wasn’t helping. Dawn had just broken on the horizon when I settled on the patio swing, looking out at the shed in the back corner.

What happened after I left yesterday?

Did he get the answers he wanted?

Would I get mine?

It was like an addiction. No wonder we had been lured into her trap so easily and looking around I instantly noticed the lack of patrolling wolves. That was new. Getting up I stood on the lower steps looking out over the yard and no one had even appeared to turn me around back inside. I didn’t see this as a chance to escape, it worried me. Something was wrong and walking onto the path, my wolf sensed it too.

I kept against the hedges, not walking on the open sections of lawn and the only movement was a bird flying towards one of the trees in the corner. I made it to the shed without any issues. There was no one in the yard at all and opening the door it was dark.

I went into the room where we had watched Esmeralda and to my surprise she was still just lying there on the table. Her restraints had been put back on and the light in her room was flickering slightly. Her pale and bruised skin was ghostly, and I jumped as her head rolled to look at me through the glass.

“I know you’re there.” She croaked, coughing the blood dribbled over her chin making my own run cold. “You want to know what is going to happen.”

Holding my breath I walked around into her room, careful not to get to close. “No, I don’t want to see the future.”

“You’re lying. I can feel your curiosity.”

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