𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝗺𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝗺𝐞

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I edited as much as I could- 6/19/20

I edited as much as I could- 6/19/20

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DAMMIT!!" You yell running through your apartment in hope of finding your missing charger.

Today was one of those days where you'd lose something that would be hidden somewhere totally unknown to you. One of the days that you'd eventually give up looking for something that you NEED.

But then your boyfriend, Iwaizumi, would somehow locate it in the most obvious of spots... It was like he was psychic- he always knew what to say or do, where to find all of the things you lost. You honestly wished you could be less clumsy and more like your boyfriend.

So you decided, you wouldn't call for Iwaizumi's hell and you'd try to figure it out on your own.

"NOPE! HAJIME, YOU WILL NOT FIND IT THIS TIME!" You declare while you search. Not that he even could help, since your phone was already dead, therefore you couldn't ask him.

You searched your (messy) room and even tried cleaning it up for once, just to find it. You searched the kitchen and even the refrigerator, because last time, you somehow found your headphones in there...Don't ask how.

You looked through the closet, checked your coat and jacket pockets, and your unorganized dresser drawers. Nope. Nowhere to be found. The thought that it was still lost got you even more flustered until-

"OH!" You perk up, remembering that it could be under your bed.

Suddenly, you heard your door being opened. You ran into your room and hid under your bed.

You tried your best to be as quiet as you could, yet were also shaking because you assumed there was a burglar trying to break into your apartment.

"Maybe they will find the charger," you hoped.

Your eyes widened when you heard your door being opened. Your heart beat speeds up as you wait for the stranger to come into your room.

Then you notice the legs of the person step into your room and open the closet curiously.

You felt like you couldn't breathe when they finally crouched down next to the bed to look under it. Then you noticed a familiar blue jacket.


You hurried from under the bed and hugged your surprised boyfriend.


"(Y-Y/n)...WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ROOM??" Iwaizumi questioned, frantically looking around your bedroom at the big mess you created.

"Well I lost my charger...BUT I didn't want to tell you because you always find things for me. I wanted to do it myself this time...!" You pout.

"This?" Your precious boyfriend pulls your light blue charger out of his pocket, handing it to you with a laugh.

"AH- my charger...WHY DO YOU HAVE IT???"

"You left it at my house the last time you came over to hang out... You know (Y/n), you're very forgetful...," your boyfriend mumbles as you take tje charger from his hands. "You lose so many things in one day- the apartment isn't that big, how do you manage to do that??"

"HUSH! Lemme go charge my phon- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!"

"Hm?" Iwaizumi hums simply, wondering if you lost something else.

"How did you get into my house? Where did you get that key?" You ask, wondering if he made a copy of it or something.

"You left it..."


Extended ending:

"So...you left your door unlocked?!?!" Oikawa yelled at you.

"DONT ACT LIKE YOU WOULDNT DO THE SAME! I forgot ok...?" You pouted as the whole team scolded you about your forgetfulness.


You turned around to see your boyfriend holding a bag of things you forgot at his house.

You quickly ran to him and looked in the box. "OH THATS WHERE THIS WAS!" You cried and pulled out a blue toothbrush.

"Is that why your breath smelled like onion rings that day?..." Oikawa asked. The whole team giggled.

You pounced on him.

And that was the end of Oikawa. He will be missed.

While I was editing the chapter, I noticed that I made our character yell SO DAMN MUCH. I quickly took so much of it out...I obviously can't hear it but- it hurts my ears.

Anyways...Iwaizumi would be such a great boyfriend. He seems like he'd be soft for whoever he dates even if he can come off as aggressive.

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