• Confession ~ Kageyama Tobio

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Part 1

Why tf does Kageyama look so cute in that picture😩😂💗 ^^


"You have to tell him~" Your friend Ayana teased you.

Recently, you've found out that you had a huge crush on the black haired setter in the volleyball team. Despite his scary aura and awkwardness, you somehow managed to have a crush on him.

"N-no!" I started blushing as my friends continued to tease me. "Besides... he probably doesn't even like me."

Ayana pulled me to the door of the classroom and smirked. "Well I guess we will just have to find out."


~ Time skip ~

When we got to the gym doors, I kept trying to get away from Ayana.

"I-I don't think this is a good idea. What if he reject-"

"Don't worry! No one can resist lil "(Y/n)-chan! I mean, have you seen the way people look at you?????"

Ayana pushes the door open, and the volleyball team looks our way. The first one to.m come up to us is Hinata.

"Hey, (Y/n)-chan and Ayana-chan! Are you guys here to watch us practice??" His eyes light up as I awkwardly nod.

Ayana stops me. "Nope! (Y/n) is here to tell one of your teammates som-"

"AYANA!" I screech.

Kageyama suddenly starts jogging over to us. "Idiot. It's time to get back to practice. Stop talking to people." A dark aura surrounds Kageyama as Hinata shrieks and runs away.

"Actually, (Y/n)-chan was here to talk to you." Ayana pushes me into Kageyama which almost causes us to fall back.

I start blushing but quickly see the position Kageyama and I are in.

I quickly get up and hold a hand out, to help him up.

"I don't need your help." He says grumpily as he stands up.

"Oh King~" Tsukishima overheard him and walks over to us. "Why are you being so rude to your queen?" He askes.

"King? Queen?" I look over to Kageyama and HE LOOKS SO FREAKING ANGRY.

"You didn't know? I thought it was very obvious." Tsukishima smirks.

"Didn't know what?" I ask, confused.

"That king has a crush on you~" I process what he said and blush but then what Kageyama says next kills me.

"I don't like (Y/n) and I never will! Why would I have 'crushes' on someone who doesn't play volleyball?!"


Oh my. I think I made this sound so bad.


Check out meh Kuroo x reader!

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