• Happy birthday..? ~ Kuroo Tetsurou

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I wake up early in the morning, ready for the day. I'm really excited because today is Kuroo's birthday! I want to see how he acts when he sees my present.

I hurry to get dressed and brush my teeth and run down the stairs to get breakfast and my stuff to go.

Including the present.

~ Time skip ~

"Hey, (Y/n), did you bring the present for Kuroo?" My friend Yuko asked. (YES IM USING THE FRIEND FROM THE STORY).

"Yeah, its in my locker." I told her as we walked pass Kuroo's fangirls, heading to class.

"Wait, have you see Kuroo?" I stopped and asked her, looking around.

She also stopped and turned around. "No...I haven't. Have you seen Kenma?"

"No, but I'm going to go ask him before class starts!" I said while I was already running away.

"Hey! (Y/n)! Wait for me!!" Yuko cried, running after me.

~ Time skip ~

"Kenmaaaaaa!!!!!" I yell when I get to his classroom.

"(Y/n)! *pant pant* WHY DO YOU RUN SO FUC-" She stopped as soon as she saw everyone looking at her. She started blushing and ran away.

Bye bye... 👋

Kenma slowly gets up from his seat and walks up to me. "Yes? What is it (Y/n)-chan?" I could tell he was a little embarrassed because he had a tint of red on his cheeks.

"Have you seen Kuroo today?" I ask.

"Didn't you know? He's out sick today." He pulled out his phone and started playing a game. Typical...

I snatch the phone out of his hands. "KENMAAA! This is no time to be on your phone! This is important.... I MUST GO HELP KUROO GET BETTER!"

I run away without giving Kenma his phone, to my locker. For some reason it was closed... (You always leave your locker open because it takes too much time to open it.)

I slowly close my locker and open it back up to see that the present for Kuroo was...


Panicking, I walk around in circles.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do?

After getting dizzy from walking in circles too long, I decide to go to go back to class.

"(Y/n), what's the matter?" Yuko asks when I get to the classroom. I guess she noticed that I was upset.

"I...I think someone stole my present that was supposed to be for Kuroo... When I got to my locker...it was closed. Even when I leave things in it when it's open, nothing ever disappears.

Suddenly the teacher walks over to where Yuko and I are sitting. "(Y/n) (L/n)."

"Y-yes?" I say.

"Go to him."

"Do...do what?"

"Go to Kuroo! You're love needs your help!" She wipes a tear and walks to the door to open it. "Run, my dear. Run."

I look over to Yuko and she nods. "OK!"

I run out of the school but run back to my locker to get my phone and headphones. Before I start running, I put on "Run" by BTS and start running to Kuroo's house.

~ Time skip ~

After getting to Kuroo's house, I knock on the door. Kuroo comes to the door and slowly opens up the door. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I heard you were sick and the teacher let me come here and the present I got for your birthday was stolen...and-"

"Wait wait wait. What? My birthday is next week... and it is 4 in the morning..." He then looks down at me and smirks. "And you're still in your night clothes.


Kuroo just smirks. "Well at least you dreamt of m-"

"Shut it pervert." I push pass him and go upstairs to his room to go to sleep.

"Kuroo! I'm sleeping here tonight!" Kuroo laughs. "Kay."

That night I didn't share the covers with Kuroo and he somehow fell off the bed...



Oh my. I was trying to make this serious...and then I rushed and made it funny🙊 LOL I hope it wasn't too badddd.

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