• Share a drink?

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You and Hinata were sitting in the dirty but comfy seats of a movie theater. You both were waiting to see this movie forever now! Finally, today, the movie came out, allowing you two to finally see the movie.

"Haha!" You laugh at one of the parts with other people watching the movie. "He's so stupid."

"Yeah, but he's still my favorite character in this movie! Don't make too much of of him (Y/n)" Hinata whines to you.

"Eh, I like (B/n) more. He's obviously cooler than (B/n). He's much smarter." You reply to Hinata comment and take a sip of your soda.

"We'll just have to see which one is better in the next movie then!" Hinata shouts.

"Shhh!" Someone a little behind is says.

"Hehhe sorry..." Hinata sweat drops.

You continue to watch the movie when you feel Hinata tap you. You look at him. "What?"

"U-um.. because your drink was on the right side of you... I accidentally drank your soda... sorryyyyy." Hinata says worriedly.

(Hinata was on the left of you.)

"Really??? Ahh it's ok, I'll just flip the straw. Don't worry about it." You say and smile at him, which makes him blush.

You move your drink to the right of you and Hinata moves his drink to the right of him.

"Ok, I think that's better." You say and continue to watch the movie.

After stuffing your face with some popcorn, you feel the need to drink something. You reach over to "your" drink and take a sip.

"H-h-h-h-Hinata..... I drank your soda..." You tell him and quickly take the straw from your mouth.



"Well that was fun!" You put your arms up as Hinata and you walk out of the movie theatre.

He puts his arm around your waist, which makes you blush. "Yeah! Wanna get some icecream now?" He asks.

"Sure." You reply.


"Sorry that I only had enough money for one..." Hinata sighs.

"I'm sorry for forgetting my wallet." You laugh. "Here." You put the ice cream to his face.


"Just eat it! You're my boyfriend, so it should really matter anymore." You smile.

"O-ok..." He hesitantly licks the ice-cream.

"By the way..." You start.

"I drank your soda on purpose HAHAHA."


This was rushed so badly. I write it in like 15 minutes 😂 I guess it's fine since I actually updated one in a long time.

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