• Scared of the dark ~ Nishinoya Yuu

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You were standing infront of the exit to Karasuno high school.

You had waited too long to walk home, well actually, people kept asking you to help them with things. You don't mind helping them, but sometimes there are important things you miss because of it.

You'd refuse their offers if you could, but you can't. This is your way of trying to get closer to people.

It's pretty hard for you to make friends because of how shy you are.

"Maybe I'll become friends with someone soon." You thought in your head

~Nishinoyas pov~

Tanaka and I were making our way out of the gym and saying bye to everyone.

"Ughhhh practice was more intense today." I whined. Tanaka nodded.

"I can't feel my arm! If only Kiyoko-chan would massage it for me..." He daydreamed.

When we got to the front of the school, I saw a girl standing infront of the door by herself.

She look like she was shaking...I wonder what happened.

"Hey, Tanaka. You can go on ahead of me, there's a girl over there. I think she might need help with something."

"Hm? Ok, I'll see ya tomorrow then." He waved and was soon out of sight.

I turned my head back to the direction of the girl and walked her way.

~Your pov~

I guess it's time to walk outside! I readied myself and gripped the strap of my bag tightly.

I slowly reached my hand out the door. Suddenly I saw a figure walking towards the glass door.

My heard sped up and I couldn't move! OH GAWD! ITS A GHOST!

I started shaking while the figure got closer and closer.

I closed my eyes waiting for the ghost to try and get me. I heard the door open slowly and waited.

"U-um...are you ok..?" IT CAN SPEAK!?

I slowly opened my eyes only to see that it wasn't a ghost. It was actually Nishinoya Yuu from my class.

"Y-yeah...I sorta kinda thought you were a ghost though..." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

He just laughed. "Sorta kinda?? Anyways, what are you doing here? It's pretty late and all the clubs are over." He asked.

"W-well...." I felt too embarrassed to answer him. He'd probably laugh at me..

"Well?" He looked concerned.

I closed my eyes once again and spoke in a quiet voice. "I'mtooafraidtowalkhomeinthedarkalone..."

"What was that???" He put his hand next to his ear and go closer.

"I AM TOO AFRAID TO WALK HOME IN THE DARK ALONE..." I felt tears in my eyes.

He smiled. "It's ok! Please don't cry...how about...... I can walk you home???!" He asked and my eyes widened.

"N-no it's ok! That's too much to ask."

"It's fine. I insist. Besides, we live pretty close. It's not too far." I looked down.

"I-I guess..." I answered back, smiling.

This was the first time someone has offered to help me.

Oh gosh. Its been so long since I've posted even though I've already made this. I was going to post on my birthday but I forgot😂😬

I really like this one shot. I've been thinking of making a x reader with Nishinoya.🤔 HES SO CUTEEEEEEEE💖💖

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