• Confession ~ Hinata Shōyō

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(B/f) = Bestfriend
(B/n) = Boys name


"Hinata." Tanaka called, but Hinata was not listening.

"Ahhhh! (Name)- chan is so cute and helpful!"

"Hinata!" Tanaka called once again just to be greeted with silence from the first year.

"I wish (name)-chan was my girlfriend... Than I could help her practice her volleyball! But... She probably doesn't want to date m-"

"HINATA!!! ANSWER YOUR SENPAI!!!" Tanaka yells loud enough to get Hinata to notice that he was trying to get his attention.

"Y-yes T-tanaka-senpai?!" Hinata stutters. He didn't know that Tanaka was talking to him. He was too busy thinking about you.

Tanaka's angry expression turned into a grin. "Hmm. I've seen you staring at (name)... DO YOU LIKE HER?!?!" This gets the attention of everyone in the gym.

"HINATA LIKES SOMEONE?!?" Nishinoya comes running to them. "Who is it!?," Tanaka and Nishinoya ask at the same time.

~Hinata's pov~

"Umm....." I can feel my cheeks heat up. Oh no! (Name)-chan is coming over here!!


What will (name)-chan say if she finds out that I like her?!?! My life is ruined..

"Oooooo! Hinata-kun~ Who do you like?" (Name) smirked.. Oh no.

"Yeah, Hinata. Who do you likeeeeee?" Tanaka teased.

"I-I like um.....BYE GUYS! I HAVE TO GET HOME QUICKLY TO WATCH NATSU!!" I quickly run out the gym and to my bike, riding to my house as fast as I could.

~3rd person - back at the gym~

"Hehe, I know that Hinata likes (name), and if he's not going to confess, I'll make him." Tanaka thinks.

He then turns to Nishinoya. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Nishinoya nods in return. "You know it."

"Um guys.... You're sorta freaking me out with that creepy smile..." You tell them.

~The next day - Your pov~

I find myself thinking about what happened yesterday.. Does Hinata actually like someone?

I guess it was too late to confess to him..

Yep. I like Hinata, but now that I know he likes someone else... I can't just confess. It would be weird.

"(Name)-channnn!" (B/f) calls. "Have you confessed to Hin-"

"ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE?!?!" I yell at her. "Besides... He already likes someone. I can't confess now. It's too late." I let my head fall on my desk with a loud thump.

"But (name)-" (b/n) walks walks into the classroom, stopping (b/f) from saying anymore.

"Sorry for interrupting, but (name), I have to tell you something really important.."
(B/n) asks.

"Oh, yeah, sure. You can tell me outside." I smile, but I wonder what he wants to tell me.

~A few minutes earlier - Hinata's pov~

"HE WHAT?!?!" I yell at Tanaka and Nishinoya senpai.

"Yep, (b/n) Is going to ask (name) out. He just told everyone in class today." Tanaka explained while grinning.

"ILL BE BACK! I HAVE TO CONFESS TO (name)-chan BEFORE HE DOES!!" I cry, running out of the gym.

~Tanakas pov~

"I guess our plan will work"

~Your pov~

"(Name)... Will you go out with me?" (B/n) asks.

WHAT?!?! Oh gosh.. I'm freaking out right now. MAYBE I should say yes... It's not like Hinata likes me anyways... He likes someone else.

"U-um.." I stutter while thinking.

"You don't have to reply now if you don't know...Ill give you time to think about it." (B/n) smiles. I don't know when I'll know...

"(B-b/n) I... W-"

"(NAME)-CHANNN!!!!!" Hinata yells while running over to me.

"H-Hinata-kun??" Why is he in such a rush..?

"(N-name)-chan.... I-I ." I can tell he ran all the way to the gym... But why?

"Yes..?" I ask.


Will you go out with me?"

Hinata's cheeks... HES BLUSHING!

"H-huh?!" I feel my cheeks heat up... And I know that I'm also blushing!

"H-Hinata-kun...I thought you liked someone else..." I say quietly while looking down.

"N-no! The person that I was talking about was.... You. B-but I was too afraid to ask you.." Hinata says.

"Yes..." I say quietly.

"H-huh?" Hinata questions.

"I-I SAID THAT I WILL GO OUT WITH YOU!" I tackle Hinata with a hug.

"I really really wanted to tell you that I liked you... But I thought you already liked someone. I didn't think it would be right to tell you." I tell him while hiding my face in his jacket.


"Hinata... I....

Love you too!"

~Extended ending~

After practice, Hinata decides he's going to walk you home, leaving the rest of the team to.....chat.

"Finally they are dating!" Yamaguchi sighs.

"I hope they don't do anything bad..." Sugawara says.

"I was the one who set them up!" Tanaka yells proudly.

"So he gets a girlfriend before me?..." Kageyama sweat drops.

"KIYOKO-SAN! WILL YOU GO-" Nishinoya starts to ask.

"No" Kiyoko says annoyed.


Oh gosh, I tried but I think I failed on this one. I'm going to try to make another Hinata confession soon tho. 😁

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