• Another failed date? ~ Oikawa Tooru

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(Y/n) = Your name
(F/n) = Friends name
(B/f) = Best friend
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/d) = Favorite drink
(O/f/f) = Oikawa's favorite food
(O/f/d) = Oikawa's favorite drink

Today, was probably not going to go well.

Today, might be another attempt that will fail like the Walls in Attack on Titan. (Sorry🌚)

Today was..

Your date with Oikawa Tooru.

Every attempt to go out somewhere with him, has always ended with fangirls crowding and talking to him, Volleyball Games, and nosy teammates.  

You were through with it! You can never spend time with your boyfriend, even out of school.

This was the last time you were going to try to go on a date! You told yourself you would break up with him if someone or something interferes with this date.

~Your pov~

Ding! Ding!

"Finallyyy, I can go home!" (B/f) says. I just sigh and put my head down on my desk. Then I feel (b/f)'s hand on my shoulder. "(Y/n)-chan.. You aren't having doubts about this date right?

"Of course I am.. Every date that we've had has been a disappointment." I reply.

"But (y/n)-" (b/f) was cut off by Oikawa's screaming in the hallway. Everyone in school could probably hear him.

"I sorta feel bad for him because of how hard Iwaizumi-kun hits him... " (b/f) says worried.

"I don't because it's his fault for not listening." I murmured.

~Oikawa's pov~

"Oikawa, you need to focus more on practice and less on giving your fangirls autographs!" Iwa-chan scolded.

"But my fangirls need me Iwa-chan!" I cried.

He sighs. "Oikawa, don't you think you should stop with all this fangirl stuff? Can't you notice how annoyed (y/n) has been? You know she might break up with you because of this stuff, righ-"

"Awww! Iwa-chan, are you jealous? If you want, I can get you with one of my fan- OUCH!! IWA-CHANNNN!"

"Dummy.." He said.

Rubbing my head I say, "Besides, she hasn't said anything about it to me.."

When we walk into the classroom, there are girls walking out of the classroom while waving and giggling. I just smile, but then see (y/n) with her head on her desk and her angry looking friend next to her. Hmm..What happened?

~Your pov~

"Hey (Y/n)! are you ready for our date tonight? He asks.

"Mhm, I just have to get home and get ready. 7 right?" I say happily while lifting my head.

"Yep! I'll see ya soon (y/n)-chan." He walks out the room after kissing my forehead.

I really love Oikawa but, if this doesn't turn out right, I'm afraid it's going to be the end of us.

~Time skip~

I stare at myself in the mirror. "Hmm, I forgot that I had this in my closet. Looks pretty good." I tell myself.

After I hear a knock at the door, I walk Down the stairs. I grab my bag and open the door to see Oikawa.

"Hey! Are you ready to go (y/n)?" He asks.

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