• Rude ~ Tsukishima Kei

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"If all you're going to do to me is be rude, then... then we should just break up!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes. I quickly ran out of the gym and started walking home.

Tsukishima and I started dating about 5 months ago. I'm not sure how I started to have a crush on him from all the teasing and just being an ass, but I did.

After finally confessing to him, I found out he also liked me. About a month after that, he started acting the way he usually did before we dated... He never even apologized...I tried to put up with it but I just can't anymore...

~ 10 minutes ago ~

I walked into the volleyball gym to watch practice today. But where's Tsukki..?

"Hey (Y/n)-chan!" The short and excited orange haired boy ran up to me. "You're going to watch us play today??"

"Yeah! Make sure you play well today." I smile.

Hinata starts blushing. "O-of course!! Oh yeah... can you help me with my serves one day?"

I also use to play volleyball and I guess I was ok at it. The volleyball team thinks so. Even the captain wanted me to help out. "Sure! Just tell me when you want to practice. I can give you my number and you can tell me?"

Hinatas blush deepens. "O-ok-"

Suddenly I see Tsukki walk next to Hinata. Hinata starts shaking.

"So you want to date this short moron instead of me now?" He smirks.

"W-what?!" Hinata says, still blushing.

"What do you mean? Why would I stop dating you when you already know I like you. And don't call Hinata a moron." I glare at him.

"Standing up for him? I guess you really do like him."

"Maybe I should start liking Hinata. He's nice and not an ass like you!"

"Go ahead. It's not like I'm stopping you." He puts on his headphones but doesn't turn on the music.

"If all you're going to do to me is be rude, then... then we should just break up!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes. I quickly ran out of the gym and started walking home.

~ Third person, back at the gym ~

The whole gym went silent after the last volleyball hit the ground.

Tanaka starts walking up to Tsukishima. "You're such an idiot! You can't just make your girlfriend cry like that!"

"Well it's not like she's my girlfriend anymore. Didn't you just hear he-"

Tanaka grabs his arm and pushes him out of the gym. "Hey! What are you-"

"DONT COME BACK UNTIL YOU MAKE UP WITH (Y/N)!" Tanaka then slams the doors to the gym.

Sugawara walks up to the angry Tanaka. "Did you have to be so harsh?" He smiles.

"Of course! He really is an ass..."

~ Tsukishimas pov ~

I sigh and get up from the ground.

I wonder if I should actually go talk to (Y/n). Won't I just make things worse? I'm surprised she hasn't broken up with me already.

I guess I am an ass... a jealous ass.

~ (Y/n) pov ~

I sniffle as I keep walking down the street to my house.

Maybe...maybe Tsukishima really never liked me... I bet he doesn't even care if I start liking Hinata instead of him.

Suddenly I hear someone running behind me.

"(Y/n)!" I could tell by the persons voice that it was...


I turn around but quickly turn away and start walking again.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" I hear him call me but I keep walking faster.

I feel more tears falling. "No! I don't want to talk to you."

Suddenly, Tsukishima grabs my arm and stops my from walking.

"Let me go! There was no point in following me! I hate you!" Tsukishima let's go and I slowly walk away.

"Sorry..." I stop walking after I hear him say something.


"I'm.. sorry. You're right. I am just an ass...but if you forgive me...I'll stop acting like that."

He said.. sorry?

I start crying again and run to him. He looked surprised.

"Tsukki!" I hug him and he falls back. "It's ok..and I don't hate you either! I'm sorry too..."

He smiles and hugs me back.


That moment when you rush another chapter and it sounds like crap. 💀💀

If you haven't already, please check out meh Kuroo x reader pls🌸

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