• Confession ~ Tadashi Yamaguchi

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"I.....I um..."

"You what? Just tell me." You smile at a blushing Yamaguchi.

"I.... I can't do it.." Yamaguchi looks down upset but still blushing.

You put your hand on his shoulder and spoke to him kindly. "It's ok, Yama-kun." You can tell me anything." You smile... which only makes his blush worsen when he looks up.

"Y-Yama-Kun!" You quickly put your hand on his forehead. "Are you sick?? I can get you some ice or something hot to drink or.."

"N-no-" Yamaguchi keeps getting cut off by your worried rambling. He was surprised how you could get so worried for him when there's other people she could be worrying about.

He loved your very much. If only he could actually tell you. He was a nervous reck every time he even saw you, but luckily you didn't ever notice. You were oblivious to the fact that the volleyball player had liked you ever since middle school.

His best friend even knew. Yamaguchi always wondered why you hung out with him the most when there were other cooler and nicer people at the schools they went to. You could be hanging out with other nice girls or attractive guys but you never did. You were always hanging out with him but... why didn't you ever notice how he felt?

So there you both were, at the school after the clubs ended. You waited for him and Tsukishima to finish volleyball. After, Tsuki left you guys alone to do something... which didn't even make sense, but you shrugged it off.

"It's impossible..." Yamaguchi finally got the courage to speak again.

"What's impossible Yama-kun?" Your asked curiously.

"It's impossible for you to see how I feel about you without me or anyone telling you." He chuckles a little bit.

"Hm?? What do you mean?" You pouted. "I'm confused."

"(Y/n).... I.... I love you!" Yamaguchi yelled for the whole sorta empty school to hear.

You stood there dumbstruck. Your long time crush just confessed to you. You weren't sure what to do. You thought that he only thought of you both as best friends. It wasn't that long ago that you'd thought that you'd give up your feelings for him soon because you couldn't bring yourself to confess. But here he was, confessing to you and the sorta empty school where that one person could hear him.

"I-" before you could reply, he started again. You waited too long to respond.

"I-its find if you don't feel the same way.." He smiled but you could tell he was faking it." He started walking away.

The moment where he confesses to you, you didn't even respond. You were too nervous and afraid. But afraid of what? He just confessed to you.

Before you knew it, Yamaguchi was already halfway Down the hall, closer to the door that could soon separate you too, and your eyes were welling with tears.

"I.." Your voice was so soft that no one could hear you even if they were right in front of you.

You watched as Yamaguchi got closer and closer to the door and your tears still didn't fall.

When you saw him reach for the door, you dropped your bag and ran as fast as you could to him, tears spilling for your eyes.

"Tadashi!!" You saw him turn around before pushing the door open. You could see that he was also crying, which told you why he walked away so quickly.

"I'm sorry!" You were getting closer to him before you said, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" And jumped onto him and hugged him.

You could hear Yamaguchis heart beating quickly, but you knew yours was probably too.

"I'm sorry for now telling you quicker! I was scared but I didn't know why and you walked away and you were crying and I had a crush on you since middle schoo-" You rambled into his chest and gripping his arms from thinking that he might of given up and lost his feelings.

"I'm glad." He interrupted. "I thought you didn't have the same feelings so I left before I could lamely cry." Yamaguchi wrapped his arms around you. "If only I could be a little like Tsukki and not start crying a lot of the times I fail..."

"It's ok... because I love you the way you are Yama-kun..... Tadashi..."

Yamaguchi laughed again. "I would like it if you'd keep calling me by my first name."

"I'd like you to call me by mine too.." Luckily he couldn't see the bright blush on his face.

He didn't let go of you until a little later. He walked you home too.

The next day at school

"Yeah so I heard he and (Y/n)-chan confessing to each other last night! It was so cute! Wasn't it, Kageyama??" The energetic Hinata heard everything from last night. He and Kageyama went to roam around the school, looking for Hinatas lucky pen.

"Yeah... it was...... cute." Kageyama replied.

Everyone in the club were talking about it.

Suddenly, Yamaguchi and you walked into the court.

You smiled a big smile. "Hi everyone!!" Which was what you said every time you come to see them. But today, they could tell that you were happier.

Tsukki was the first to walk up to you guys. "So I've heard you both are dating now?"

You and Yamaguchi's faces blew up with a blush.

"U-uh..." Yamaguchi started.

"Did you even kiss her yet?" Tsukki said while smirking.

This just made you both blush more and everyone else to crown around.

"DID YOU??" Hinata asked/yelled."


"Well don't rush them." Sugawara sweatdropped."

"DO IT!" Tanaka declared.

"....." You both stayed quiet.

Tsukki continued to smirk again. He knew just how you make you both kiss. "It was probable (Y/n)."

"What do you mean?" Daichi asked.

"She probably was too afraid to kiss him. She's way too scared for that." He teased.

You glared at him, not looking adorable anymore. "Oh shut the hell up, Mr. Bitchy."

Everyone gasped, but Tsukki kept smirking.

"Well well well. I guess you've switched personalities."

"At least I don't always have an additude, you ass trash. Where's your girlfriend, Tsukki-kun~?" That actually annoyed Tsukki.

"If you're so cool, then kiss Yama-"

He was too late because you had already pulled Yamaguchi's face to your own, and kissed him.

Then you hugged him, with your face in his chest.

"Tadashiiiiiiii!" You cried going back to the adorable mood. "Tsukki is always so mean to me~"

"Wow...." Everyone sweatdropped. "I never knew (Y/n) could be so badass."

Tadashi could only stay quiet the whole time. He was blushing madly.


I hope you liked it. Sorry for not updating. ANYWAY, PLEASE GIVE SOME PPL YOU WANT ME TO WRITE ABOUT

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