• After school ~ kuroo tetsurou

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I rest my head on the desk, waiting for Kuroo and Kenma.

Today Kuroo and Kenma planned that we would all go to get icecream before walking home. Sadly, I have to tell them I can't because I have to help clean the classroom after school.

Today it was finally my turn. I know that I'm going to be the only one there because people don't like to help.

I hate walking home by myself... It so dark! And there are sometimes weird looking people watching others too...

" *Girls squealing* Kuroo, is here!" Sadly Kuroo and Kenma usually come to my classroom to get me before going home.

I like when they do that but Kuroo's fangirls decided it'd be best to wait with me... And they are VERY loud.

"Hey (name), are you ready to go get some ICECREAM?!" *sigh* I guess it's time to tell them.

"Actually, I can't go today...I have to help clean the classroom." Obviously that doesn't stop Kuroo.

"(Nameeeeee)! Just skip itttt! Other people skip it too. Besides.... ITS ICECREAM!" *sigh* Kuroo know my weakness. Icecream is basically my life.

"Also, Kenma REALLY wanted to get icecream all together too." Kuroo adds.

"Not really, it doesn't matter to me." Obviously Kenma is staring down at his phone playing his game.

"It's fine... You guys can just go without me. Maybe we can just go another time." I suggest but Kuroo sighs.

"I guess... Well I'll text you later. Bye." Kuroo says as they both walk out the classroom.

~Time skip~

At least it's quiet in here. Ugh. Why do people draw on their desks...?

"It's a little too quiet. Hmm maybe I remembered my headphones!" I reach into my bad and luckily find the headphones.


I put on (s/n) and start cleaning. I thought I heard the door open, but I ignore it because it's probably just my imagination.

Suddenly two hands are put on my face and covering my eyes.

"W-who are you?" I say as I slowly take my headphones out.

"Guess who~?"I know that voice! I turn around to meet eyes with...


"KUROO?!?! WTF, YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!" I say while hitting him.

"Ouch! (Name), stopppp!" He wines.

"Why did... You come back? Did Kenma leave?" I ask confused.

"Well first, Kenma did leave, but I stayed behind to........make fun of you~" Kuroo grins.

"Asshole..." I turn around and continue cleaning up.

~Time skip~

Finally! I'm finally done!!! Now I can go home, and sleep in my bed, and- Oh yeah...

Kuroo is still here.

I turn around to find Kuroo asleep in on of the chairs, his head down on the desk.

I can't help but think... He looks so.... Cute?!?


But... Just taking a closer look won't mean anything...

As I walk closer to him, I see him shift in his sleep. I wonder what he's dreaming about...

Just as I get to him, I lightly touch his bed hair. It's surprisingly really soft.

"(Name), what are you doing? Were you planning to do something to me in my sleep?"


"By lightly touching my hair?" He grinned. "Have you fallen for me (name)?"

"NO! Anyway I'm done, so I'm leaving..." Maybe I have... But he's being such a jerk! Why do I like him again?

~time skip~

"Stop following me, Yuu pervert." (Owari no seraph fans? NO?!?)

"Have you forgotten that I live in the same direction as you?" Yes... I knew.

I ignored him. "Hey (name), that's the place we were going to get icecream at. Wanna go now?"

"Hm I guess. Do you think Kenma will be annoyed that he didn't get to go?" Kuroo shrugged. "Probably not. There was a game he wanted to play anyway..."

~Time skip~

"Thank you." We tell the man at the cash register and then we walk out of the store.

"And...thanks for taking me there..." I'm not looking, but I can somehow tell that KURO is smirking.

"No problem (name)-chan." He then winked at me.

Dammitt! That made me blush more than I already was. I faced the other way while eating the (I/f) icecream.

It was quiet and we still had about 10 more minutes left until we get to our neighborhood.

"So..What kind of icecream did you get?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"Chocolate. What about you?"

"Wahhh?!?! I didn't know that was thereeee. I got (I/f)." Dammit. I should of payed more attention...;-;

"Well, it's too late to ask for any because I just finished~" Kuroo teased.

"Idiot! I wasn't going to ask for any. Besides, I can just go there by myself tomorrow!" I stuck my tongue out at him but he just laughed.

And then...
There was...
Another silence...;-;

"So... Um. Why did you wait for me to clean up?..." I was getting curious.

Kuroo smirked,"So I could tease you about having to do it all by yourself." Kuroo... He's always teasing me and being rude...

I rolled my eyes.

"But you know... That's not actually the real reason." Kuroo looked up at the moon while I got more and more confused.

"After Kemna and I left, I decided I should come back to wait for you. Knowing Kenma, he wasn't paying attention and probably walked back home by himself." Kuroo laughed.

"I remembered how you don't like being by yourself when walking home too...you hate the dark." My eyes widened. "(Name). Can I tell you something?" Kuroo asked and looked serious.

I nodded. "O-of course."

Kuroo sighed and smiled. "(Name), I really, really like you." OMFG is he joking again?!?!

"Really?!? Are you trying to fool with me again?? How can you be such a-" Before I could continue, Kuroo leaned in and kissed me...

We stayed that way a little longer until he pulled back and whispered in my ear,"(name). I'm not joking. I love you."

"K-Kuroo..." I didn't know what to say.

"What's your answer, (name)?" He asked.

"I-I love you too, Kuroo."


And they had 30 babies. LOL JK. Does anyone play Mystic messenger? IT HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. Help.

Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to request!!

"Free." Oh gawd... HARU

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