[ Weakness ]

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When the door is dragged open, I mentally take note of the boy standing before it. His hair is black and some bangs hang over his face. He has tan skin and a bright red jacket with a logo I don't recognize. That red brings out his cheeks as he stares at me.

I blink without understanding his response. But I bet he's thinking about how big a mess I am. Feeling disgusted, and sorry he opened the door.

"Please... go. I don't want this to be any more awkward." I mumble. Damn this shy voice of mine, hiding away in my throat.

"But... Don't you want help?" He asks, still slightly staring for an analysis. I get really nervous and feel a fierce warmth in my face.

"No! Please... just mind your own business." I say sternly, until my voice fades.

"Well, at that volume, it seems like you want me involved. You might as well invite everyone out there too."

What is this jerk's problem?! I only wanted to drive him away, not offend him into me getting "sassed."

"Oh. I'm sorry for wanting my already-owned right to privacy! Leave me alone." I pout my lip, trembling starting as the guy mocks me by faking to rub his eye as if he were crying.

I look away to ignore him and take off my glasses as I wipe my eyes. I sniffle and sit up, ready to confront this guy, until my glasses are snatched.

"Please g-give those back! They're mine!" I leap onto my feet to punch into the air. His empty hand restrains against my chest while the other pretends to examine my glasses.

"Please! I worked so hard for those! Give them back!" I cry out, my fists weakening after awhile.

"Interesting. Who got you them?" The boy asks, licking his teeth in amusement as I give out, tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Please..." I beg when I catch my breath. My back suddenly crashes into something and that breath escapes once more.

"How bad do you need these? Cause I'm gonna offer you a deal, okay?" I nod desperately, shuddering as I notice the boy has his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-yes?" I stutter in terror. I knew what was coming. I was so used to the beatings in middle school - until I was forced to stop a certain interest of mine. But what would I have to give up now?

He sets me down so my heels touch the floor. I gulp when his hand pushes harder against my shoulder.

"Okay..." He murmurs, then I gasp when he completely lets me go.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I agreed to do this and I'm sorry for... whatever just happened. But promise me not to tell anyone." I stare into his eyes. They are brown, but not like Ryan's brown eyes. These are a brighter brown. More exciting and mischievous. Brown like summer wood crisping into ashes on the coast. Not like Ryan's maple-autumn brown.

"I promise you." I whisper, still staring. He furrows his eyebrows and then I look away. What am I thinking?

I feel his fingers climbing up my face, stealing a gasp. I groan out as he pulls my face closer, struggling to wiggle free from his inappropriate embrace.

"I... Hey!" I strain out in alarm, kicking my feet.

"Shh. Just go with it, okay?" I hear him whisper me into ease.

My eyes focus on the glowing, brown ash in his eyes. They stare beneath a bridge of his furrowed brow, lips coming together. I gasp when they lean on mine, his head weighing mine on the wall.

I breath into his mouth. He bites down on my lip, instantly separating us after.

"Patrick Stumph... I'm sorry." He whispers.


The boy stares at me with an unfamiliar look in his eyes. A swirl of confusion and terror is what I make up. And I understand, but... I don't know why I did that.

He finally bites his lip and I hear a low breath. My face is met with his hand, slapping me so I groan in pain. I step back with a gulp, tripping on my own feet for a split second.

"Fuck!" I whisper, rubbing my palm over my stinging cheek.

"Who told you my name?" He asks, eyes still untamed. I hear the bell, signifying lunch is over.

"Uhh... I just... heard it in class." I shrug, walking backwards to the door.

"It's only fair I know your name! And why you did--"

"Yeah. Next time you bump into me, but right now I... I gotta go." I panic, smiling slightly after I exit the room.

Mikey never mentioned Patrick was cute. How could he forget a weakness of mine?

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