[ Mom Knows Best ]

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Man, I really messed up! Gerard was never supposed to even have a clue that I knew Patrick existed.

As a brother, Gerard is really good at reading me. I better come up with a convincing lie so he won't find out I was involved in Patrick's beating. That is, if Patrick has even mentioned his beating and whether or not Pete has mentioned it to someone.

Now that I think of it, Pete didn't report back about Patrick. At least not to me. I guess I could ask him right now. Just to be set free from Gerard's skeptics.

I yawn as I take out my phone. I see I received some texts - coincidently from Pete.

Unlocking the screen, I read through Pete's messages and gulp.

"I didn't want him to feel bad." I say under my breath.

MW: pete! I'm sorry I was asleep but I read your texts and Im sorry

MW: you don't have to be sorry I forgave you already but I'm sorry I was rude and remember you can talk to me about anything <3

I let him take some time to reply, if it's not too late.

PW: thanks mikey but I really did want to say sorry and im workin on relaxing after all this shit with brendon and my skirts and stuff.. thanks again for listening

MW: yeah no problem pete

MW: as long as you forgive me too :)

PW: no because I was never mad at you in the first place. I guess I was mad at myself but its getting better

MW: that's cool I hope so

PW: yea thank you

PW: but can I make it up to you? I feel really guilty man :/

MW: oh actually I wanted to ask whatever happened to patrick?

PW: ...who?

MW: that boy Brendon was jealous of. What happened after you beat him up

PW: oh he just cried I guess.. But B's plan failed remember?

MW: oh. Well.... I kinda saw him today and we made eye contact

PW: what??

PW: so then what??

MW: it was awkward and I guess I felt guilty seeing him I mean he doesn't look like a bad guy you know?

PW: oh yeah I know.

MW: yeah so I was thinkin... we could just apologize together

PW: what?

MW: tell him were sorry and that's it

PW: mikey that's not gonna be it like he could tell on us and get us suspended or he could be afraid of us and fear is the last thing I want people to feel when they look at me

MW: oh yeah how stupid of me sorry

PW: it's a nice thing to do but we don't know him and I don't wanna risk anything with him

MW: i see....

MW: so I guess I will see you at school

PW: ok

MW: unless you sneak into my window again hah

PW: no believe me, your brother made sure that will never happen again..

MW: lol see you soon then!

PW: bye mikey

So I guess nothing bad will happen as long as Patrick doesn't know I was involved. Now I just have to respect that to myself when Gerard approaches me.


After texting Mikey a goodbye and shutting off my phone, I must've fallen asleep with lack of guilt because later I wake up by the calling of my name.

"Pete! Wake up!" I hear the voice of my mother and ignore it.

"Peter, honey, could you come downstairs for a second?" She yells from the first floor. I mope onto my feet and stretch out my arms. It is only now when I realize I had fallen asleep fully clothed.

"Yeah, mom?" I ask as I walk into a lit-up kitchen and squint in pain, rubbing at my burning eyes.

"Peter, sorry to wake you, but I gotta go to work soon and I wanted to talk to you 'bout something." I take a seat where mom motions me to. She holds my hand and my eyes start to sting again.

"Hey, Pete. I love you. So, so much sweetie and... I've been wanting to ask you something a little personal, if I may." I nod my head once, slowly.

"Sure. Ask away." I mutter anxiously.

"Are... Mikey, is he your boyfriend?" I widen my eyes out of amusement.

"What? Mom, no! He's just a friend - my best friend. And I think he's already got a boyfriend or something." I smile slightly with confusion and slightly to cover up my embarrassment.

"Oh... I thought-- Well, never mind. I guess this means you two didn't... in your room when he came over, huh?" I open my mouth and burst out laughing, as does my mom.

"How could you think that?! Mikey and I are friends! Besides-- you really think I would do that at my age?"

"Well, it's not too uncommon nowadays. I just wanted to make sure you were doing well and makin the right choices, sweetie." I smile at her and she cups at my cheeks, making me blush in the way moms do when they embarrass you while you're trying to keep a straight face.

"Actually, mom, I think... I don't know if you know this, but I..." I trail off and look at my ankles. Mom's fingertips send shivers sneaking underneath my skin, until she smiles and kisses my hair.

"You can tell me, son." She coos.

"Mom, I like wearing skirts... And makeup sometimes and I like wearing high heels a--"

"It's okay, baby. No need to cry. I'm okay with everything you like, okay? If you wanna know anything or go somewhere, tell me. There, don't cry." I let her hand stroke my hair as I cry on her shoulder. She doesn't say anything more until I have finished crying aloud.

When I look at her, tears are slipping down my cheeks and she rids of them with a finger. The smile on her face makes me feel warm and welcome.

"If you want, I can drive ya to the store. You can pick out something nice and maybe wear it outside one day." She suggests and I smile shakily as she hugs me.

"See? Now aren't ya glad we got that outta the way?" She asks and I nod solemnly.

AN: Idk I came up with this as I was writing so there goes my outline/previous plan for the story whoops. I want to get to the intro scene so I included something about the skirts in pete's chapter and soon we will get there

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