[ Brothers... ]

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It's been two days since I last heard from Ryan. Now I'm just feeding the guilt with every reach of my smartphone. I've never had a breakup like this - Ryan took it pretty well from what I heard and saw - what am I supposed to do?

Why did I even break us up? I had someone keeping me afloat and now I just swim in the forgotten crowd.

Oh... Yeah.

Because I'm me. And Ryan is sweet and handsome, with a voice like coffee grinding into a rich powder. I am as special as a red crayon in a carton box. Nobody deserves less.

I'm sure Ryan won't be upset if I don't call him, right? I can wait to see him at school and wave a friendly greeting. I don't know about him, but I can pretend to forget about us at all. I'm genuinely good at that "pretending" bit.


"You really wanna see my other clothes?" I ask a patiently sat Mikey on my bed.

"Mhm!" He nods once and pulls up his chin with a hand.

"I don't really... have anything else. These are my mom's heels." I say to Mikey, who is hit with distraught.

"Well... I sometimes wear makeup. But... like lipstick and eyeshadow." I state lazily, nervously waiting for Mikey to drag me into the bathroom or something.

"Can I see how you do your makeup?" He asks simply. His voice quiets down when he asks.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I feel shy as I run to the bathroom and pull out a drawer to find my makeup bag. I grab it and head back to my room, where Mikey is presumably texting on his phone.

"Sorry... I forgot to text my brother." He mumbles, tucking his phone in his pocket and facing me.

"Oh, it's okay." I shrug. I sit down and Mikey smiles at me.

"Does it take long putting makeup on?" Mikey begins asking as I unzip the bag.

"Well, not for me. I only wear eyeliner, and lipstick on rare occasions. But it shouldn't take long if you do it every morning." I explain. Mikey nods and it eases me just enough to make me smile.

I reveal the selection of lipsticks in shades of red and nudes and bottles of nail polish in black hues. Mikey lets loose a gasp and the rest is vented when I start explaining color combinations.

"My favorite combo is any black, matte eyeshadow with a nude lipstick and clear nails. It's just the right amount of feminine for me and, yeah..." I feel myself blushing as I notice Mikey staring at me with a warm smile.

I don't look at him, but we stay still for a long minute.

"Uhm... Sorry, I spaced out. What was I gonna show you?" I ask a dazed-off Mikey.

"Yeah... You were gonna put on lipstick, but I know your favorite now... It's okay, you don't have to, Pete." Mikey fidgets with his beanie. I feel embarrassment as his phone buzzes, distracting Mikey from my closing of the gap between us.

"I'm sorry, it's Gerard. He's overprotective, you know?" Mikey sighs and I lean back to my side. I nod to fake an understanding. "You can still show me... And the reason I'm asking so much is--" Mikey spends a long pause staring at me.

"Mikey?" I smile afterwards as he blushes.

"Oh, I just don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you... That's it."

I'd really like it if the silence was anytime, anywhere but here and now.

"Not at all... It's easy. I can show you." I insist, taking a lipstick in pastel pink and twisting its peak.

"It's kinda silly how I do it - I have to do this weird duck-face thingy." I joke, Mikey giggling as I exaggerate a lip pout.

"Then... you just... fill in. And done!" I make kissy lips and smile as Mikey grins wide.

"Sweet! It is a pretty color on you." Mikey says, captivated by the color.

"I don't think I could pull it off, but it's cool you do this, Pete. Makeup isn't gender-based and I think you should wear it in public to stand up." Mikey's encouragement swims in my mind. But he only makes it harder to come out to everyone. Because I know not everyone is accepting.

"Thanks, dude. For not making fun, or leaving. Thank you for sticking around, I just really needed to know how someone else felt besides me." Mikey stands up and I follow. I shake his hand and we hug. I hold him tight as I close my eyes, head lying on his shoulder.

"I'm always here for you, Pete. Thanks for showing me - I feel honored." Mikey chuckles at that and his phone buzzes two more times.

"Oh my goodness, Gerard!" Mikey's hands give out and plop to his sides. I laugh and tidy up my cosmetics quickly as Mikey heads to the door.

"We can talk soon, but Gerard's on my ass, so I gotta g--" We hear the doorbell and Mikey groans aloud with an eye roll.

"Mikey, sweetie! Your brother's come to pick ya up!" We hear my mom call and we head downstairs.

"Mikey! Where in heavens have you been?! Did you not see my last texts?! That's why I sent two at once, Mikey! So you know there is an urgent situation occurring!! My goodness, are you alright?!" Gerard rushes to hug his brother tight. Tighter than I hugged him minutes ago - I swear Mikey was turning purple.

"Ah! Yes, now let go of my head, please. I'm okay, Gee!"

"Oh, thank Jesus! Thank you, Mrs. Wentz, but we gotta get going." Gerard tells her and she smiles.

"It was a pleasure having you over! Say goodbye, Peter." Mom elbows me and I growl.

"I'll see you at school, Mikey... Bye, Gerard." I say as Mikey is dragged out the door by his grumbling brother.

"I have long legs. And I'm not a doll!" Mikey rolls his eyes at Gerard, huffing in annoyance.

"Your knees are weak and strange, and I shall serve as your... carrier brother... Whom also happens to be your caretaker." Gerard smiles with ambition, heading outside now.

"Bye! Mikey, take care of Gerard!" I call out before shutting the door.

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