Rogue Demon Hunter (7)

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Chapter Six

'Can I not leave you alone for five minutes?' Grace cried, applying a ton of antiseptic to the cuts on my cheekbone and temple.

'If-ow- you'll- ow- check the time- ow- it was -ow- twenty minutes- ow. Can you stop shoving that please? It's as clean as it'll ever be! I think you're scrubbing bone!' I complained.

Sighing, Grace sat back and sifted through her bag, looking for a needle to stitch up my face. 'You're such a wuss.'

'You get jumped by an Angel and see how well you fare.' I sulked, crossing my arms.

'Better than you.' She muttered, bringing round a golden needle.

'What was that?'

'Nothing.' She smiled big, showing her braces. Grace was as old as me, with short red/brown hair and brown eyes. You've got to be VERY afraid of her puppy-dog look- somehow she convinced me to give her my desert last night.

I think she's part witch.

Anyway, as she started stitching up my various cuts I tried to figure out why I was meant to talk to one of the creatures I was made to hunt.

Made no apparent sense to me- if you can figure it out, drop me a line.

'Are you-ow- done- ow-yet? Ow! I think you're doing this on purpose!' I complained as she leaned back and admired her handiwork.

'No, you're just being a wuss, again.' She smiled big.

'I am a mighty Rogue Demon Hunter, and oh- did you buy more of those little cake things with the whip cream inside?' I asked as it popped into my head.

Grace shook her head. 'You're random, you know that?'

'I'm not random, I just have many thoughts.' I said, standing. 'Have you heard from Hunter?'


'The dude that was with me when we met Jensen.'

'Who?' She repeated.

'The vamp dude.'

'How the hell do you know his name?' She asked suspicously.

'He stalks me. I feel so loved.' I rolled my eyes and picked up the blood-and-essence-stained whip on the kitchen bench. It was starting to drip over the edge.

'So, what, you like him then?' She growled in annoyance.

I choked, but tried to pass it off as a cough, running an already bloodstained cloth down the length of the whip.

'No, uh...he was my charge, so of course I found out his name.' I struggled to breathe.

I did NOT like him- I'm not a necropheliac.

Besides, dead things- ew.

'Oh. Right.' She nodded.

'Bite me.' I growled, looking back over my shoulder.

'Maybe you should ask him.' She giggled as she walked past. She jumped out of the way as I lunged for her, shouting, 'I don't like him!'


Considering the last time I had been let out of the house by myself I had been jumped and pistol whipped by an Angel on another Angel's whim (still can't get over that), I was under complete and utter house arrest.

Staring at my painted ceiling, I turned slightly to see all the punk and rock artists, actors and weaponry on my walls. Sighing, I pulled the Reaper Scythe off the wall and ran my fingers over the blade.

It was built out of black stone crafted from the stones on the edges of the River Styx, with clear celestial stone on the edges. A ribbon was tied just above the handle for some strange reason, and symbols and Latin inscribings had been carved into the staff.

Overrall, it was pretty sick.

The tattoo on my hand stung slightly, and I turned to look out the full length window that took up one full wall. It was raining heavily outside, and Grace was stuck in it at 10 at night.

Considering I wasn't SUPPOSED to be allowed to drive and my motorbike was in the shop, I couldn't help her.

There was an inhuman, make-your-flesh-crawl-and-then-some screech, and I whirled around, scythe raised to see a Gremlin shaking the water out of its fur on MY pillow.

Small, black and purple, with little horns and big slitted eyes, they were the pains in the ass of the Supernatural World; the minions of the Trickster Demigods.

'Off my bed!' I cried. 'Jeez! Come on!' I sighed. 'Shoo.' I waved the scythe at it and it hissed.

'What do you want?'

It hopped forward, still dripping over my punk bedspread. Holding up a long piece of ragged paper with a clawed hand, I quickly read the NAMES on the Reaper's List, scrawled in beautiful Gothic imprint.

There was some ShapeShifter, but what really got to me the most wasn't the fact that there was more than one name- it was the fact that it was the vampire's, Jensen.

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