Chapter 2 - Sweater

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Hey, is this Mark? It's Jack

Yup! Hey Jack :D
...I thought you went to work after school until closing?

Business is slow today. I think all the white girls are doing homework

Haha XD
Do you guys get free drinks? :O

It's pretty awesome, my coworker and I invent different drinks when we don't have customers
She once invented this Shrek inspired drink and it actually tasted pretty good

That sounds so awesome I want it
What's it like to work at Starbucks?

It's not too bad. People think you deal with a lot of teenage white girls only in it for the Instagram, but really I deal with a lot of 40 year old mom's that need their drink in 10 seconds or else you get yelled at for making them late to work
I make their coffee decaf just to spite them

Wow you're ruthless :P

Bitch don't mess with me or else you're getting Sweet n Low instead of Splenda *sassy z snap*

That's pretty hardcore :O

Starbucks is so hardcore you can't even handle
A huge group of people walked in and they all want frappuccinos shit bye

Have fun XD


The next day, it happened again.

Jack was practically crowd surfing, except he wasn't on top of people and it wasn't awesome. He darted around people trying to get to class when suddenly he literally bumped into someone he knew.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" Mark laughed as he watched Jack stumble backwards slightly.

"Yes, I just missed you so much and I had to see you again." Jack said sarcastically. "Hey, I didn't fall over this time!" Jack pretended to feel accomplished.

"Here, I have STEM first. We're working on a project, but I'm already finished. I'm sure my teacher won't mind if I walk you to class. He's pretty chill." Mark shrugged and began to walk alongside Jack to his classroom.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you late!" Jack looked up at him.

"It's fine! I'll be doing nothing in class, anyway." Mark nudged Jack slightly. Jack followed closely beside Mark, guiding him to his class.

It was so much easier to get there with Mark. He was taller than a lot of other people and incredibly muscular, so people automatically moved out of his way. Jack talked about his classes and his teachers and Mark listened as he walked Jack to class. Jack didn't know what it was; he could just talk to Mark for hours on end without any worries.

Time flew by too fast. Jack stood in front of his English door right as the minute bell rang.

"You better get to class. Bye, Mark!" Jack smiled softly and waved to Mark as he turned away and walked down the hall. Jack turned around and walked inside his English class with a bright grin on his face.

"What are you smiling about, tranny?" A boy snickered as Jack sat down.

"Maybe that was her boyfriend. At least she's straight." A girl next to him chimed in.

"Oh Jacqueline you look so girly today! You would look so pretty in a dress. Wouldn't she?" The boy laughed and nudged the girl beside him. She snickered, but stopped as soon as the teacher walked up to the two bullies.

"I need you both to go to the principal's office. I will not tolerate bullying in my class." Mrs. Jackson said quietly. Jack nodded slightly as a small 'thank you' to Mrs. Jackson. She gave him a kind smile and walked to the front of the class as the bell rang. The boy and the girl behind Jack muttered curse words and transphobic slurs to Jack as they reluctantly scooped up their things and stomped out the door and down the hallway.

Jack smiled and listened to the lesson intently. It was only the second day, but Jack already knew that his English teacher was his favorite.


"Jacqueline, take off your sweater." Ms. Vickery snapped as soon as Jack sat down. Mark soon walked into the room and sat next to Jack, giving him a sympathetic look as he draped his sweater over the back of his chair.

Halfway through the lesson, Jack was shivering slightly and crossing his arms over his chest. He was freezing; he wasn't used to not wearing his sweater. Although other students would have thought the classroom to be the perfect temperature, Jack couldn't stand it. Finally the bell rang and Jack whipped around to grab his sweater, but it was gone.

Mrs. Vickery leaned over the desk with the sweater in her hand. "You can come get this after school. Next time I catch you walking into my class wearing it, I'm keeping it forever. Got it?" She said through gritted teeth. Jack looked down at his desk and pouted, then picked up his backpack and books with a huge scowl on his face. He was freezing cold, and everyone could see him for what he was. But before he could walk down the hall, Mark put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I have this sweater you can borrow." Mark held out a bright blue sweater. "I use it in my History class because it's freezing. You can give it back to me tomorrow, if you want?" Mark offered with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"No, I don't want to take your sweater. You might need it." Jack denied his offer.

"I really don't need it. I have gym next." Mark shrugged. "It might be really big on you; it's a little baggy for me."

"Are you sure?" Jack asked.

"I gotta get to class. Bye!" Mark dropped the sweater on his head and ran off laughing. Jack giggled and pulled the sweater off his head. He took off his backpack and quickly pulled it on. It was huge on him; the sleeves were a few inches too long and the end of the sweater fell mid-thigh. But Jack loved it.


I should be doing homework and writing Serendipity, but oh well

I love this book so much and I hope you guys like it as much as I do! :D

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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