Chapter 3 - Starbucks

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The week passed by slowly, but Jack was just relieved that school was over and the weekend was finally here. Jack leaned against the counter, staring at his phone instead of the beautiful Friday afternoon outside. Only two customers sat in the empty Starbucks. They already had their coffees and were taking their sweet time enjoying the free wifi. Jack's coworker, Molly, stood across the kitchen sipping her favorite drink.

A little ding from the door caught Jack's attention. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and looked up, and a bright smile crawled on his face.

"Hey there, can I help you?" Molly leaned against the order counter, interested in the tall new man that walked in.

"Hey Mark! What's up?" Jack grinned and tried to shove his way in front of Molly. Jack nudged Molly with his foot under the counter. Molly giggled and walked away, letting Jack take Mark's order.

"Oh nothing, I just decided to get something to drink real quick." Mark smiled at Jack. Jack grinned as he looked at the sweater Mark was wearing. He wasn't sure how, but he managed to convince Mark to trade sweaters. Jack always wore Mark's blue one and Mark always wore Jack's black one. Jack couldn't wear his sweater now, he had to wear his Starbucks uniform, but he tried not to focus on that right now.

"Well, what can I get you?" Jack asked, leaning on the counter.

"Well, what do you recommend?" Mark giggled. It had only been a week, but Jack had developed a huge crush on Mark.

"Cookies and Cream frappuccino. It's my favorite drink, it's really good." Jack tapped in the order on the cash register. "What size?"

"Uh... Medium?" Mark suddenly realized he didn't know what the sizes were. This was actually his first time ordering a drink from Starbucks.

"Grande." Jack giggled. Mark's face flushed slightly and he laughed awkwardly. Mark started to pull out his wallet, but Jack stopped him. "Nah, it's alright. This one's on me." Jack gave Mark a kind smile. "You can pick up your drink at the pick up counter over there." Jack pointed across the kitchen to a counter with straws and napkins. Mark nodded, then went to a table and sat down.

"Why are the cute guys always gay?" Molly mocked in a stereotypical white girl voice as she whispered to Jack.

"Shut up." Jack giggled and started to make Mark's drink. "We're not dating."

"But you totally like him!" Molly teased. Jack and Molly couldn't tell, but Mark could actually hear their conversation from where he was sitting. He pretended to do stuff on his phone, but he kept listening. "You should ask him out!" Molly nudged Jack, and Mark grinned.

"God, no." Jack said, making Mark's heart drop and smile fade. "He's way too good for me. He's funny, nice, tall, handsome; God save whoever gets stuck with me." Jack poured Mark's drink from the blender into a cup. Mark smiled softly and pretended to flip through Twitter. The two other people in the restaurant walked out the door, leaving Mark alone with Jack and his coworker. "Here, Mark." Jack slid his drink across the pick up counter. Mark stood up and walked over, leaning against the counter to talk to Jack.

"Thanks!" He took the drink. "So how was your day?" Mark asked.

"Other than Vickery, it was pretty good." Jack started to talk about something that happened in one of his classes. Molly snatched a napkin from under Jack's arm and started to write something on it. She held it up just over Jack's head for Mark to see.

'He totally likes you!' was written in large letters on the napkin. Molly pointed to Jack, and Mark grinned. 'Ask him out!' She mouthed over exaggeratedly. Mark giggled when Jack finished his story.

"So, Jack, have you seen the new Suicide Squad movie?" Mark asked.

"No, I really wish I could! It looks so awesome." Jack sighed, looking up at Mark.

"Well, I'm going to see it tomorrow. Do you... Want to come with me?" Mark asked awkwardly, and Jack's face lit up.

"Of course! What time?" Jack asked excitedly.

"Do you work in the mornings or afternoons on Saturday?" Mark asked.

"I work in the morning." Jack bit his lip, trying to hold back his over excited grin.

"I could pick you up from work, then we could go to my house and hang out until the movie starts. And maybe go to your place or back to my house and play video games?" Mark suggested.

"That sounds fun!" Jack could hardly contain his excitement. Molly was grinning ear to ear behind Jack and giving Mark two thumbs up. "I get off at 2:00, is that okay?"

"Yeah. I could get tickets at five or six, and we could go to this really nice theatre that serves dinner. Is that okay?" Mark couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"Perfect. I'll see you then?" Jack tried not to seem too excited.

"Yeah, see you then." Mark grabbed his drink and waved to Jack before walking to the door. As Mark walked to his car, he looked in the windows and watched Jack's reaction. He grinned broadly and ran a hand through his hair, then Molly took both of his hands and started jumping up and down squealing. Mark finally took a sip of his drink and climbed into his car. He sunk back in his seat with a huge smile on his face.

Tomorrow was going to be a great day.


Guys I'm obsessed with this story

I was smiling so much writing this chapter my face hurts but I loved this so much

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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