Chapter 8 - Binder

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Jack winced as he peeled the last bit of liquid latex off his skin.

"Maybe that's the one perk of being a trans guy. I don't have worry about ripping all my facial hair off." Jack muttered to himself as he rubbed his sore cheek. He grabbed a washcloth and scrubbed his face, trying to clean the rest of the makeup off of his face. Finally he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower with his eyes closed. He felt around and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself, then limped out of the bathroom, trying not to catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

He shut his bedroom door and stood shakily in front of his dresser. He dug through his top drawer for pajamas, and a sudden thought popped in his head.

'What if Mark and I cuddle?' He pulled his binder out of the dresser. 'What if we hug and he feels my... Whatever.' He dropped the towel to the ground. 'No, you can't wear a binder to bed.' He hesitated. 'Maybe just one night wouldn't hurt...' He slipped it over his head.


"Hey!" Mark grinned as Jack opened the door. Jack was wearing his blue hoodie and black sweatpants.

"Hey, how're you?" Jack asked. 'God damn it, I'm so awkward.' He cursed himself.

"Um, good?" Mark chuckled.

"Come inside." Jack giggled and moved out of the way for Mark, leaning on the door. Mark carefully dropped his bag beside the couch and Jack shut the door. He limped to the couch, leaning on whatever was near him to help him walk.

"Are you sure your ankle is alright?" Mark asked as Jack flopped onto the couch beside him, leaving about a foot of space between each other.

"It'll be fine. It happens all the time." Jack shrugged it off he grabbed his laptop and TV remote off of the armrest of the couch he turned on the TV to show his laptop screen.

"That's cool!" Mark commented as Jack pulled up Netflix on his laptop.

"Yeah. I don't have a PlayStation and all the apartment has is cable, so my coworker Felix just showed me how to hook up my laptop to the TV and Molly lets me use her Netflix account." Jack flipped through various movies. "Whatcha wanna watch?" He asked.

"Dude, there's this fucking great horror movie called 'The Ring'." Mark grinned. "It's kinda creepy, but it's my favorite horror movie."

"I've never really watched a scary movie before." Jack searched it up.

"This was my first scary movie, and now I love scary movies. It's so awesome." Mark said excitedly. Jack started the movie, trying not to show how scared he was.

The movie started and the two just awkwardly sat next to each other, watching the screen. Finally Jack shivered and shakily stood up.

"I'm freezing, mind if I go get a blanket?" Jack asked.

"Go ahead!" Mark ran a hand through his hair awkwardly. Jack limped to his bedroom and yanked the blanket off of his bed. He came back to the living room and sat down again, this time a little closer to Mark. When Jack came back with the blanket, he had it on his lap, but when Mark looked over a few minutes later, Jack had completely engulfed himself in the blanket, looking at the screen wide-eyed through a hole just big enough for his face. Mark laughed and wrapped his arm around Jack. Jack leaned into Mark, laying his head on his chest.

Halfway through the movie, Mark and Jack had both managed to wrap themselves in the blanket with just their heads poking out. Jack had his arms wrapped around Mark and was practically sitting on his lap with his head laying on Mark's chest. Both boys were pretending to pay attention to the movie, but they were both reveling in each other's warmth and presence. It took all of Jack's willpower not to squeal because he and Mark were cuddling, and Mark tried to hold back his smile and tried his best not to hug Jack and hold him as close as he possibly could. Finally, the movie finished, and Jack was laying half-asleep in Mark's arms.

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