Chapter 9 - Birthday Wishes

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4 months later...

Mark walked into Starbucks, a small gift in one hand and his phone in the other. He pushed open the door and started recording.

"Happy birthday!" Mark said Jack's birthday gift across the counter.

"Aw, thank you!" Jack giggled and leaned across the counter and puckered his lips. Mark pecked his lips and went back to recording Jack. Molly watched from behind Jack curiously.

"Open your gift!" Mark giggled and pushed the gift towards Jack. Jack unwrapped the gift carefully, then opened the small box.

"Aw, thank you for the empty box! I love it!" Jack laughed sarcastically, playing with the box in his hands.

"I also got you something else." Mark made sure he recorded Jack's reaction carefully.

"What?" Jack set the box down. He leaned on the counter and bit his lip adorably as he looked at Mark. Molly sipped her drink and watched the two adorable boys.

"My family is paying for your testosterone and your top surgery." Mark announced with a huge grin.

Jack's hands flew to his mouth and Molly spit out her drink. Jack's eyes filled with tears as he leaned against the counter in disbelief. Molly even started to tear up as Jack started sobbing. Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to balance himself against the counter. Mark ended the recording and stuffed his phone in his pocket. He started to cry as he watched Jack cry.

"I can finish my transition next year!" Jack sobbed with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm so, so happy for you, Jack." Molly hugged Jack tightly. They sobbed into each other's shoulders.

"Mark, thank you so, so much!" Jack looked to Mark. His vision was fuzzy with tears and his voice cracked with sobs. Jack untied his apron and layed it on the counter. "Molly, do you mind calling Felix in to take my shift?" He asked and sniffled.

"Of course! Have a wonderful day." Molly hugged Jack tightly. Jack walked around the counter and ran into Mark's arms. They cried, holding each other as close as possible. Mark wiped away the waterfall of tears on Jack's face and led him to his car.

They drove to Mark's house, still sniffling and smiling brighter than the sun. When they walked inside, Mark's mother greeted Jack with a hug.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart!" She said sweetly.

"Thank you so, so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." He hugged her tightly.

"It's no problem at all." She pat Jack's back and let him go.

"It's just remarkable that you guys did this for me." Jack wiped away his tears. "How can it be no problem? It was so much money, and-"

"Trust me. We were happy to do this for you." Mark's mom bent down and rested her hand on his shoulder. "At first, Mark's dad was a little skeptical about doing this because he was worried that this relationship might not last, but we decided that even if it didn't last, you still deserved to be happy." She smiled softly. "Plus, I'm sure that this relationship will last a long time." She winked.

"Thank you." Jack let out another small sob. Mark wrapped his arm around Jack and held him close, then kissed his forehead softly.

"Run along, you two. I still have to cook dinner." Mark's mom waved, watching the adorable couple rush upstairs, hand in hand.


2 weeks later...

Jack hugged Mark quickly before he ran off to join the other dancers. It was the yearly competition held between all of the dance studios in their county. Jack had been working all day, and his final round was in silks. Mark walked up the bleachers and sat down, watching Jack talk to other dancers from his studio.

The biggest problem with the competition for Jack was the dancers from other studios. They didn't know him personally, so they were blatantly transphobic to him and tried to put him down so that he would lose. Jack was incredibly talented, so it was clear that other studios needed to sabotage him in order to win.

Jack was next in line, right in front of a few giggling girls. He stepped up to the silks, waiting for his time to start. As soon as his time started, he began his performance. It was going perfectly, but it quickly went wrong.

Jack had his foot twisted in the silks. He leaned forward, ready to grab onto the other silk, flip, and finish his performance. But the girl next in line had a different plan in mind.

She "accidentally" stepped on the edge of the silk, slipping it just out of reach. Jack fell forward, and his fingertips barely grazed the fabric before he completely flipped over. He tried to land on his right foot, but he landed on his ankle, twisting his foot painfully. His other foot was still tangled in the silk, high above him. He felt his knee pop painfully and his foot snap. His left foot turned backwards and popped as his head his the mat harshly. His foot slipped from the silk and fell to the ground with a thud. The girls watched, horrified, as they pretended it wasn't their fault. Jack slipped in and out of consciousness, unable to remember where he was or why his entire body felt numb.

Paramedics rushed to his aid and Mark quickly stood up. Molly shot out of her seat as well, running to follow Mark. The paramedics carefully lifted Jack onto a gurney and carried him to a back room.

"What is your name?" A nurse asked, shining a flashlight in his eyes. Jack's mind wavered and his vision spun, making him feel like he was seasick.

"W-What?" He asked.

"What is your name?" The nurse repeated. Jack layed his head flat against the pillow behind his head and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to recall anything he could remember.

"Is he okay?" Mark rushed into the room with Molly.

"We have to get an ambulance right away." One of the doctors announced, checking Jack's foot. The foot that landed on the ground was red and starting to swell. His left knee was stretched out and obviously dislocated from its socket. His left foot was twisted outwards, swollen like a balloon, and bleeding like crazy.

"W-What's going on?" Jack asked, looking around.

"You have a broken foot, a twisted ankle, and you dislocated your knee." The doctor told him just the basics of his injuries. She grabbed a cloth and applied pressure to Jack's bleeding foot. Jack immediately shot up and cried out, the numbness washing away and his body finally searing with pain. Mark reached out to him, but the nurse held Mark back.

"I'm sorry, you can't touch him unless he can confirm he knows you." The nurse spoke calmly.

"Please, just let me hold his hand!" Mark's eyes started to fill with tears. The nurse turned to Jack and rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, do you know this man?" She asked. Jack only sobbed and gripped the sides of the gurney, trying to fight the pain. The ambulance wailed as it pulled up outside. "Sir, if you can confirm that you know this man, he can ride in the ambulance with us." She turned Jack's head to Mark. Jack's eyes immediately filled with relief and he reached out to Mark.

"Mark, please tell me what's going on." Jack sobbed. The nurse stepped away and allowed Mark to run to his side.

"Do you know him?" The nurse asked Molly.

"I do, but I'd rather just visit him in the hospital later." Molly pulled out her phone, buzzing with texts from her mom.

"Can you provide us with some information?" The nurse watched the doctors run out of the room, pushing Jack along and being followed by Mark.

"His name is Jack, he's eighteen years old, his birthday is February 7th, 1999, and he's transgender, Female to Male." Molly told her.

"Thank you." The nurse smiled kindly and ran off to climb into the ambulance.


Oh boy, what a turn of events

I'm probably going to be posting a lot of chapters today because I'm home sick and I have nothing to do

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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